Strativa Chicago Area Manager

How do you guys have time to post on this website during the day? Aren't you suppose to be out selling? With 100% sampling, you have to have signitures on all your calls, can't fake that!!

Hey, home office. How do you have time to post on this website during the day? Shouldn't you be figuring out how to make this company acutally profitable? Oh, wait. You're too busy thinking up more bullshit hoops for us to jump through so we have to spend all our time doing pretty much anything BUT selling to the docs who will move market. Or maybe you're too busy paying IMS for some bullshit target list that is supposed to magically generate prescriptions.
How do you guys have time to post on this website during the day? Aren't you suppose to be out selling? With 100% sampling, you have to have signitures on all your calls, can't fake that!!

Oh, and you don't think we figured out the only reason you want us to "sample" is so you can track what we're doing? That's a good idea, let's over-sample. I have news for you, at this point I pretty much have to trick doctors into taking samples from me. They don't want them.
Of course the only reason they want us to sample on every call is to track our activity. I don't know of anyone who goes on a real "presentation only" call. That should only be used when offices are sick of seeing you and you have a ride day coming up.
Oncologists can care less about our me too drugs, and will not waste their time on a "presentation only call". How many times do we honestly get access to an Onclologist and not sample them at least 5 stips of Zuplenz? If you are referring to nursing home calls, we should ONLY focus on docs with HIV/ AIDS patients within those homes- otherwise, we are selling off-label. And we still need a "signature" from a nursing home employee saying that we spoke on-label about our HIV/AIDS product. Then, when we get that signature, please reference an oncologist in your top 30 to make the home office happy.
Why bother even pointing out all this stuff. Strativa is a piece of shit company and nobody stays more than 6 months. Stop wasting your time and start getting your resume out.
So the Chicago manager lives in Kentucky and talks like a tard. That makes lots of sense. The guy knows NOTHING about Chicago

He knows most of the reps there suck ass and haven't pushed any real numbers out in years. Yet he takes over and numbers finally start to move alittle. Looks like he is doing something right.
The reps became misfits under Stacie....she created the Chicago mess. Now they brought in the HAMMER to clean up this underperforming group.

Oh wow... the HAMMER. Look out. Jees, I bet he's really tough. Nobody gives a fuck about "the hammer," or whatever ass clown manager you are either. What do you mean by underperforming? The reps have been here for 2 months and aren't at plan? Why don't you run them out of the company. That will teach them. And then you can hire 10 more reps and run them out after 5 or 6 months. That will teach them, right. Because gosh darn it, sooner or later we will hire somebody who can sell... right. The HAMMER. I love it. You stupid asses don't even realize how dumb you sound.
Oh wow... the HAMMER. Look out. Jees, I bet he's really tough. Nobody gives a fuck about "the hammer," or whatever ass clown manager you are either. What do you mean by underperforming? The reps have been here for 2 months and aren't at plan? Why don't you run them out of the company. That will teach them. And then you can hire 10 more reps and run them out after 5 or 6 months. That will teach them, right. Because gosh darn it, sooner or later we will hire somebody who can sell... right. The HAMMER. I love it. You stupid asses don't even realize how dumb you sound.

Well he does have 3 open territories right now. I wonder why they aren't filling them. Probably can't find the right "fit".....
Oh wow... the HAMMER. Look out. Jees, I bet he's really tough. Nobody gives a fuck about "the hammer," or whatever ass clown manager you are either. What do you mean by underperforming? The reps have been here for 2 months and aren't at plan? Why don't you run them out of the company. That will teach them. And then you can hire 10 more reps and run them out after 5 or 6 months. That will teach them, right. Because gosh darn it, sooner or later we will hire somebody who can sell... right. The HAMMER. I love it. You stupid asses don't even realize how dumb you sound.

Where is the HAMMER now? Or should I say MARBLES???