Strativa Chicago Area Manager

I saw him going up to his hotel room with two midgets from Atlanta. He was sneeking them up in his briefcase and he was smuggling a ham in his underpants. He looked at me (well kinda at me) with his lazy eye and said "yo ho ho and a bottle of rum arhhhh". Does he think he's some kinda of pirate or what?
I don't know the Chicago manager but I just saw the Peoria Rep is gone. He must be one of the plucking misfits. Chicago Manager I salute you. All the females at strativa owe you a great debt for getting rid of Creepy McCreeper. That guy really would try to sneak anything into his room. I feel safer already knowing he won't be prowling the lobby bar at future meetings, Like a cougar stalking a wildebest. Strativa women, farm animals and small woodland creatures sleep well tonight. Creepy McCreeper will no longer be seducing any of us.
I don't know the Chicago manager but I just saw the Peoria Rep is gone. He must be one of the plucking misfits. Chicago Manager I salute you. All the females at strativa owe you a great debt for getting rid of Creepy McCreeper. That guy really would try to sneak anything into his room. I feel safer already knowing he won't be prowling the lobby bar at future meetings, Like a cougar stalking a wildebest. Strativa women, farm animals and small woodland creatures sleep well tonight. Creepy McCreeper will no longer be seducing any of us.

Best post ever! Hilarious!
I don't know the Chicago manager but I just saw the Peoria Rep is gone. He must be one of the plucking misfits. Chicago Manager I salute you. All the females at strativa owe you a great debt for getting rid of Creepy McCreeper. That guy really would try to sneak anything into his room. I feel safer already knowing he won't be prowling the lobby bar at future meetings, Like a cougar stalking a wildebest. Strativa women, farm animals and small woodland creatures sleep well tonight. Creepy McCreeper will no longer be seducing any of us.

HAHAHA that guy was my idol!! He's gone?? He reminded me of Charlie Sheen
The Chicago manager is a great manager. He is obviously making people work that aren't used to doing that. Everyone making fun of him needs to take a look in the mirror. Your own insecurities are coming out by making fun of him.
Misfits? What kind of dopes work for as professionals in corporate America and call themselves misfits? Is this a biker gang? Are you an arena league football team? Misfits really? Why don't you just name yourselves "The Please Fire Me's" CAN these losers! I'm sure they have a promising future in the roller derby or in WWE.
Misfits? What kind of dopes work for as professionals in corporate America and call themselves misfits? Is this a biker gang? Are you an arena league football team? Misfits really? Why don't you just name yourselves "The Please Fire Me's" CAN these losers! I'm sure they have a promising future in the roller derby or in WWE.

This post makes no sense. Misfits were a name called to the reps and the Please Fire Me's are reps. So are you calling out. And practice what you preach. Name your self and others may follow.
How do you guys have time to post on this website during the day? Aren't you suppose to be out selling? With 100% sampling, you have to have signitures on all your calls, can't fake that!!