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Stop the ride along insanity!!!!!!


Why are the AZ managers riding with representatives literally for half the year? This is so disrespectful to our customers! What is the point of this? Stop this insanity!!!!!!!

No kidding! They are in some offices three to FOUR times per month! It is ridiculous and the customers are visibly frustrated. They need to back the F off. This whole smaller geography idea was an absolute cluster F of an idea.

It's a complete joke! I had an MD say they saw the Manager more than the reps! WTF! Theres already CV, Respiratory,Diabbetes (1-4), and various contract folks calling on the same customer! It is only a matter of time before you will start seeing even less access & even less for Management! Give me a freakin break!!!!!!!!!

In diabetes, we were told one reason they created an ESS sales force was in response to complaints from the endos that they were seeing too many reps coming in to their office too often. Now what's happened is they created the problem of a manager being in a PC office accompanying a rep too many times. It's embarrassing.

The ride along frequency is completely unnecessary and way out of control!

Well, this is the place to bitch about it.

However, I really hope you are not saying anything to anyone within your company about this, because you should know not to trust anyone in your company.

You have to play the game to survive in this industry. It has always been that way, and it will never change, because people can't handle it and won't risk anything to lose their cushy job.

Well, this is the place to bitch about it.

However, I really hope you are not saying anything to anyone within your company about this, because you should know not to trust anyone in your company.

You have to play the game to survive in this industry. It has always been that way, and it will never change, because people can't handle it and won't risk anything to lose their cushy job.

Good advice! P l a y t h e g a m e! There, I spelled it out for you! This is THE best time to kiss your DM's ass! Take advantage of the opportunity to show the fool how valuable you are! Then when you are by yourself, enjoy the day with a movie, golf, tennis, the gym or whatever!!

The whole show has gotten way out of fucking hand.

Rule number 1 at AZ if you want to survive: Trust no one
Rule number 2 Never draw attention to yourself don't be too good or too bad with your numbers
Rule number 3 Smile and agree with everything your boss says but never volunteer for anything
Rule number 4 Never voice a negative opinion about anyone or anything to someone else. They will use that against you

As a manager on the diabetes side, the ride alongs are out of hand. I have started spending less time with my reps only because most managers are a hindrance to the representative ability to have any real productive time with their customers. We are required to have 130 ride along per year, which is about10 to 11 ride alongs per month or 3 days per week. Most managers are machines with no ability to think for themselves. If you have a manager that is spending 8 hours per day with you on multiple days in one week, you must be freaking miserable. There is only so much coaching that one person can handle, this is a case of declining returns the more the rep sees the manager and the manager is an adshole the more uncomfortable the rep will be and the worst the performance will become. unfortunately there are not many alternatives today in the Pharma industry. So I say to all of US, just yes them to death and ride the wave for as long as it goes, but look for other quality opportunities,because this is not a stainable business especially with the AZ GENUISES in charge!

As a manager on the diabetes side, the ride alongs are out of hand. I have started spending less time with my reps only because most managers are a hindrance to the representative ability to have any real productive time with their customers. We are required to have 130 ride along per year, which is about10 to 11 ride alongs per month or 3 days per week. Most managers are machines with no ability to think for themselves. If you have a manager that is spending 8 hours per day with you on multiple days in one week, you must be freaking miserable. There is only so much coaching that one person can handle, this is a case of declining returns the more the rep sees the manager and the manager is an adshole the more uncomfortable the rep will be and the worst the performance will become. unfortunately there are not many alternatives today in the Pharma industry. So I say to all of US, just yes them to death and ride the wave for as long as it goes, but look for other quality opportunities,because this is not a stainable business especially with the AZ GENUISES in charge!

Our boss likes to be in the field and rides 2 full days each field contact. We are lucky if they cut out by 3:30, that's early. Sometimes they run past 5pm with coaching and action items after a full day. It's brutal. Our calls are unrealistic, our docs are uncomfortable and it gets worse each month. I'm glad some reps are lucky enough to have someone who gets it.

Rule number 1 at AZ if you want to survive: Trust no one
Rule number 2 Never draw attention to yourself don't be too good or too bad with your numbers
Rule number 3 Smile and agree with everything your boss says but never volunteer for anything
Rule number 4 Never voice a negative opinion about anyone or anything to someone else. They will use that against you

So true. If anyone asks you what you think of someone else, just say that you don't know them very well or that you don't have an opinion. Whoever asks you this, is someone who you want to avoid at all costs. AZ is full of triangulators. Their main source of entertainment is to cause riffs between people.

Honestly, what do reps really NEED from a manager? I have a hard time coming up with a few concrete tasks that couldn't be done from a regional level. The rest is all fluff to justify the position. They don't serve much purpose these days.

Rule number 1 at AZ if you want to survive: Trust no one
Rule number 2 Never draw attention to yourself don't be too good or too bad with your numbers
Rule number 3 Smile and agree with everything your boss says but never volunteer for anything
Rule number 4 Never voice a negative opinion about anyone or anything to someone else. They will use that against you

Unfortunately, you are right. Mediocrity ensures longevity. Just don't be at the bottom two years in a row.

Honestly, what do reps really NEED from a manager? I have a hard time coming up with a few concrete tasks that couldn't be done from a regional level. The rest is all fluff to justify the position. They don't serve much purpose these days.

Who would take roll on the weekly conference calls? Or expense the bagels at POD meetings?

Rule number 1 at AZ if you want to survive: Trust no one
Rule number 2 Never draw attention to yourself don't be too good or too bad with your numbers
Rule number 3 Smile and agree with everything your boss says but never volunteer for anything
Rule number 4 Never voice a negative opinion about anyone or anything to someone else. They will use that against you

You are absolutely right!!

As a manager on the diabetes side, the ride alongs are out of hand. I have started spending less time with my reps only because most managers are a hindrance to the representative ability to have any real productive time with their customers. We are required to have 130 ride along per year, which is about10 to 11 ride alongs per month or 3 days per week. Most managers are machines with no ability to think for themselves. If you have a manager that is spending 8 hours per day with you on multiple days in one week, you must be freaking miserable. There is only so much coaching that one person can handle, this is a case of declining returns the more the rep sees the manager and the manager is an adshole the more uncomfortable the rep will be and the worst the performance will become. unfortunately there are not many alternatives today in the Pharma industry. So I say to all of US, just yes them to death and ride the wave for as long as it goes, but look for other quality opportunities,because this is not a stainable business especially with the AZ GENUISES in charge!

Totally fake DM post! Ass hole!

Rule number 1 at AZ if you want to survive: Trust no one
Rule number 2 Never draw attention to yourself don't be too good or too bad with your numbers
Rule number 3 Smile and agree with everything your boss says but never volunteer for anything
Rule number 4 Never voice a negative opinion about anyone or anything to someone else. They will use that against you

I have survived for over 20 years and I would add only one rule to this list; never talk to anyone from human resources or legal other than a polite hello. If they think you will squeal on your peers, they will use you until they have to get rid of you to protect one of their favorites. Sooner or later you will say something that exposes one of their toadies and then they will come after you and suddenly they will do anything to shut you up.