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Stop the insanity!


Does anyone else feel like AZ craziness has been taken to a new level? I have never had such a controlling DSM in my career. The calls and meeting have also reached a fever pitch. It’s becoming a freak show of attention seekers rolling out new projects and committees just so they can get promoted. I’m sick and tired of being roped into to someone’s pet project so they can get the glory. This is supposed to be a freakin SALES JOB!

Does anyone else feel like AZ craziness has been taken to a new level? I have never had such a controlling DSM in my career. The calls and meeting have also reached a fever pitch. It’s becoming a freak show of attention seekers rolling out new projects and committees just so they can get promoted. I’m sick and tired of being roped into to someone’s pet project so they can get the glory. This is supposed to be a freakin SALES JOB!

80% of your year end evaluation is sales performance. Let that be your focus.

Has anyone else noticed the ridiculous focus on metrics lately is causing chaos in the field...10 reps from multiple teams fighting for lunches, appointments and stand ups in the same office. All so that we can make the reports look fantastic. This is becoming less a sales job and more of a box checking exercise by the day. Stop hiring big pharma flunkies and let us sell!

You are not alone. I am with another company and it is the same thing. More and more metrics all the time. If you check the boxes, you get more accolades than if your numbers are great. The whole industry hs lost it's ever loving mind. I think it is because the current model is obsolete and instead of coming up with real solutions by using the intelligence on the ground about how to create a new way, they are paying third party vendors to apply "creative solutions". We have been in a dying industry for many years and it's not going to get any better.

Does anyone else feel like AZ craziness has been taken to a new level? I have never had such a controlling DSM in my career. The calls and meeting have also reached a fever pitch. It’s becoming a freak show of attention seekers rolling out new projects and committees just so they can get promoted. I’m sick and tired of being roped into to someone’s pet project so they can get the glory. This is supposed to be a freakin SALES JOB!
Making you check a box is how they begin to drive you crazy. They want to make you miserable in hopes that you’ll leave. If they haven’t already, they’ll issue a suggested call plan to serve as a guide for call frequency. You’ll be expected to hit the frequency regardless of how your numbers look. Layoffs will be coming after this madness. They want people to voluntarily leave due to misery, but they will def use lay-offs

We all give them what they want. It's amazing since this has been an ongoing BS exercise for over a decade (easily). I remember we had an ASD who reported to Tilton who was all over metrics. She is no longer here since her best asset was kissing Tilton's arse. Anyway, we just smiled and said we will try harder to see people and get our numbers up. Lo and behold, within a month there was a drastic improvement that continues to this day. Needless to say, she took full credit for her leadership that caused such a step change.

Our managers know this and play along. However, mine basically lets us know that if actual performance isn't good, then that is what will cause her to be up our asses. At least we are all on the same page, unlike the brand teams and SSLT.

insanity? Go sell and tell patients can get xyz , mostly at zero copay..WE do our job, get Dr to write, patient goes to pharmacy (or many in the Bcise screw up, yeah that's you brand team)....patient is told "That'll be $400, please"
Over and over...we are continuously misled and fleeced. AZ is merely a shell of what it was, and it'll never return. Best hope is that someone would want to buy us out. But, hey, whose knocking down our door?
Diabetes reps, I'd be running fast. Liraglutide will be the end of you and the beginning of another job. The other sglt2 offerings run circles around ours. Always a day behind the competition.
So glad I'm in respiratory. Well, not really.

seriously? 2 of our 3 respiratory brands run into the same issue due to coverage or non-coverage in our area. They are good products, just too difficult to write when GSK brands are 100% covered. Let’s face it, the AZ days of superior managed care coverage are over.

absolutely. Managed markets leadership must've taken a two year vacation. Unfortunately, it'll be too late months from now when or if the wait by the phone happens. Just don't see job security here anymore. Maybe Oncology, but that's it.

Unfortunately, high deductibles are here to stay. Doesn't matter if your tier 2 w a zero co pay. Patients will no longer pay 400 bucks a script for months in order to meet the deductibles. PBMS have screwed the co pay card system for good.

absolutely. Managed markets leadership must've taken a two year vacation. Unfortunately, it'll be too late months from now when or if the wait by the phone happens. Just don't see job security here anymore. Maybe Oncology, but that's it.

Wake up snowflake. AZ managed care has always been the laughing stock of the industry.
This is where they send people when their career is over or to hide their mistakes. These are all people who were kicked off of the island and they just hang around collecting their paychecks. They are referred to as single contributors. Which in AZ language equals, "Not qualified to lead people."

No way , the third party source got our numbers wrong ? Wait we have to wait 48 hours so AZ can fix it ? Come on.

Just another AZ cover-up on the numbers . Almost 6 months without the first report . That is crazy .

insanity? Go sell and tell patients can get xyz , mostly at zero copay..WE do our job, get Dr to write, patient goes to pharmacy (or many in the Bcise screw up, yeah that's you brand team)....patient is told "That'll be $400, please"
Over and over...we are continuously misled and fleeced. AZ is merely a shell of what it was, and it'll never return. Best hope is that someone would want to buy us out. But, hey, whose knocking down our door?
Diabetes reps, I'd be running fast. Liraglutide will be the end of you and the beginning of another job. The other sglt2 offerings run circles around ours. Always a day behind the competition.
So glad I'm in respiratory. Well, not really.