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Stop the insanity Brian!!!

The lesson to learn here is that YOU don’t get to decide what your job is. By accepting a paycheck, you agree to doing the job asked of you by your employer. If you no longer want to do that job, quit taking the paycheck. Expecting your employer to pay you for the job that you want to do as opposed to the one that they want you to do is lunacy. You don’t call the shots; the people with the jobs & money do. Get that through your head. Go find a new job if you no longer want to do this one.
Amen!! Too many snowflakes in sales force.

Curious to hear what the snowflakes, whiners and losers thought of Russell this morning?? Any of that mentality talk hit home? Probably not which is unfortunate because people with winning mindsets don’t CONSTANTLY attack others.

Guess I’ll understand when the stock price and our compensation plan is based on metrics like the number of conference calls attended instead of sales growth.

Neither the stock price nor our compensation plan is based on sales growth. And, even if it were, the people who pay your salary have decided they want you engaged in other activities of their choosing. They have the job and the money. They decide what they want you to do. No one is here to cater to you. If you take their money, do their thing. When you decide you don’t want to do their thing, then quit taking their money. It’s not a difficult formula to figure out. If you think NNI is stupid, then leave NNI.

Neither the stock price nor our compensation plan is based on sales growth. And, even if it were, the people who pay your salary have decided they want you engaged in other activities of their choosing. They have the job and the money. They decide what they want you to do. No one is here to cater to you. If you take their money, do their thing. When you decide you don’t want to do their thing, then quit taking their money. It’s not a difficult formula to figure out. If you think NNI is stupid, then leave NNI.
With ppl like you making these kind of comments, yes it is time to leave NNI. Actually there needs to be a mass exodus! Lucky folks who got displaced because they weren’t ass kissers.

Neither the stock price nor our compensation plan is based on sales growth. And, even if it were, the people who pay your salary have decided they want you engaged in other activities of their choosing. They have the job and the money. They decide what they want you to do. No one is here to cater to you. If you take their money, do their thing. When you decide you don’t want to do their thing, then quit taking their money. It’s not a difficult formula to figure out. If you think NNI is stupid, then leave NNI.
Thanks KSP

With ppl like you making these kind of comments, yes it is time to leave NNI. Actually there needs to be a mass exodus! Lucky folks who got displaced because they weren’t ass kissers.

If you expect your next employer to pay you some of THEIR money so that you can ignore the direction of your boss and only engage in activities that you want, you’re going to be sadly disappointed. You might need to start your own business if you want to make money doing whatever you want. In the real world, business owners give you money so that you do what THEY want. It’s weird - you have no problem taking their money; it’s doing the job they pay you to do that seems like the challenge.

If you expect your next employer to pay you some of THEIR money so that you can ignore the direction of your boss and only engage in activities that you want, you’re going to be sadly disappointed. You might need to start your own business if you want to make money doing whatever you want. In the real world, business owners give you money so that you do what THEY want. It’s weird - you have no problem taking their money; it’s doing the job they pay you to do that seems like the challenge.

who is this asshole? Ian Aisenberg ?

Does that prick still work there? The worst DBM to ever win a vision award after three reps quit and another went to HR on him in less than a year and a half of him joining.