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Stock Price: Your theories



(Yes, I'm an employee and not a brokerage house trolling for inside information -- so skip it.)

Any thoughtful theories on our stock price and where we're going?

My ideas: It seems less likely that Pfizer is gonna come a 'knockin.'

Tax reform could repatriate a bunch of dollars leading to a stock bump.

Lots of product acquisitions lately, mostly small stuff.

We seem to be right sized to handle the portfolio and pipeline.

There are still lingering messes from the AGN / ACT / FRX mergers but they are getting better.

Ichan's not up in our schnizz anymore, which is good for stability but not neccessarily good for deals and a big stock bump.

Your thoughts?


Stock price is stagnant due to multiple reasons primarily no interest. Volume has been pathetically low. Consolidation has been going on as well. I think the bigger concern is the resistance at $250 which appears to be holding and depending on Trumps chat in front of Congress, we could see the stock drop $4-5 by the open. So that's the short term. Long term issues remain the clinical trials of the phase 3 NASH drug along with the other acquisitions. If those don't turn out positive, AGN IS BACK INTO THE $175-190 range. As a long, it kills me to see this company stagnate but that's what you get with a CEO that might have bit off more than he can chew. It all hinges on the bets he made in my opinion. If they pan out, then he looks terrific and the stock should take care of itself. If not, he should be shown the door immediately! Growth Pharma so far has been a bust. We shall see if their growth numbers materialize. Next quarter earnings should tell the tale and possibly shed light on whether management knows what they're talking about.

Yep- today a big fail. Little volume and Dow over $3. Pharma was down as was the market but AGN seems to have bigger drops in down sectors/markets. Very disappointing! I don't see $260-275 anytime soon. Read that the phase 3 NASH drug doesn't look so good either.

Pre-market today is down over $2. Likely this translates to what one of the previous posters said about sub $240. NASH article which came out yesterday on Seeking Alpha describing the major players (sorry but my iPad won't let me paste the link for some reason), painted a bad picture of AGNs phase 3 compound. Not sure how that pans out. Non GAAP reporting issues, low guidance for 2017, low volume in the market, interest rate hikes, etc etc. $250 seems great now!

A lot of people have been looking at this post yet only 4 comments! FDA approval today! Up $4 in premarketyet closes down! Bio up today for the most part with modest gains.

Anybody see a reason to be concerned here? Buehler?

A lot of people have been looking at this post yet only 4 comments! FDA approval today! Up $4 in premarketyet closes down! Bio up today for the most part with modest gains.

Anybody see a reason to be concerned here? Buehler?

I think Ackmans sell off of VRX has an impact in Pharma and AGN since many think AGN looks very similar to VRX. (Shows how stupid Wall St. is). Looks like we will continue to see a downward trend in stock price until perhaps 2 solid quarters of financials. If these numbers rise, I'm guessing that's the kind of confidence investors need to see to get back in the game and buy.

Stock in the red again today. Low volume! No interest! Yesterday's gains erased today. Seems to be the trend. Going to be a long haul back to $250. Maybe by end of 2017? Who knows!


Stock continues to decline. Negative press about Botox for depression, possible flat earnings, etc etc.
Growth Pharma my ass! This company is going to hell in a handbag with Saunders!

Now we know it's only the first quarter, and first quarter sales are historically the lowest because of seasonality. Revenue should ramp higher as we progress through the year. Yet, regardless of seasonality, the drag of generic competition in US General Medicine is beginning to slow Allergan down. At close to $5.9B in revenue in 2016, it's critical that Allergan stabilizes the decline of US General Medicine. If it fails to do that, then the outperformance of Specialized Therapeutics is wasted. Even with a stellar 14% growth rate in US Specialized Therapeutics, Wall Street will deem the overall results lackluster because the other half of the business is declining by 7%. The outperformance of one segment is negated by the decay of the other, and as much as we enjoy a good Trumpism, a terrific and great 5% growth is still just 5%.

Unbelievable. Stock languishing at $230. Where's the next deal Brent? You're obviously incapable of leading a company to real, sustainable growth. Either break us up and sell the pieces or get the hell out of here. You don't know what you're doing.

Unbelievable. Stock languishing at $230. Where's the next deal Brent? You're obviously incapable of leading a company to real, sustainable growth. Either break us up and sell the pieces or get the hell out of here. You don't know what you're doing.

Yep! It's going to be lean for 2017! Not much stock movement will happen. Saunders is a douche bag!