Still around?

You are doomed if you do or doomed if you don't. You must be in network with everything but when you do that you cut commissions by half to 4%. Then you study the send out bills to see where losing money. PSC's you must open but with a 1 year out. Does not do 25 specimens a day you close them. HMO's are a must just need to follow protocol to make money. Nick and this crew are to stupid to figure that out. Need to follow Sunrise blue print. Clean lab, quality service,Excellent IT dept and pretty females to service accounts.2% lifetime commission. 6% for the first year.

Sunrise haha...Yeah, real good business. They went from offering 12% new a few years ago, to 6% for 1 year, and then 2% for life. Sunrise, like most labs, are going down the toilet with diminishing reimbursements. They better hope some esoteric testing/DNA arrives down the line to save the business. Or else, it's time to jump into another industry

The lab industry is done.The grand larceny activities has come to an end. Sunrise is a good lab but does not pay. Go to a hospital lab or Quest. They will be around for a very long time.