Take it easy...just ignore this guy. He probably gets more attention on here than he does at home so he keeps coming here to try to incite people. If he is happy where he is, great. If he is just making shit up to get you going, whatever. Just ignore him. He cant hide being that much of a douchebag for long....I'm sure his pod mates know already. I have also left crtx. I wish you all luck, i met many great people during my time there. I am sure you will all do fine in your careers.
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I get plenty of attention at home and recognition at my new job but you are right when you say I like getting a rise out of some of the assholes that are still here. Not everyone is in that category, but there are still a few left. We are at the part of the movie where the Titanic breaks into two pieces and is going down fast and you guys are still drinking the kool aid. Have fun in that icy water
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Your barely reconcillatory tone lacks scincerity. I imagine that you do get a lot of attention at home; you, your dog and a jar....well what you do for attention in the privacy of your own home is your own business. But stay tuned and I'm sure you'll be getting even more attention at work. Now we're at that part of the movie where you lose your grip on the railing and pinwheel down 10 stories, bouncing off the propeller. Check out the "Big Pharma" boards for a soon to be released movie where a minor character from the Titanic (aka CRTX) takes the lead as a bottom feeder.
Take it easy...just ignore this guy. He probably gets more attention on here than he does at home so he keeps coming here to try to incite people. If he is happy where he is, great. If he is just making shit up to get you going, whatever. Just ignore him. He cant hide being that much of a douchebag for long....I'm sure his pod mates know already. I have also left crtx. I wish you all luck, i met many great people during my time there. I am sure you will all do fine in your careers.
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I get plenty of attention at home and recognition at my new job but you are right when you say I like getting a rise out of some of the assholes that are still here. Not everyone is in that category, but there are still a few left. We are at the part of the movie where the Titanic breaks into two pieces and is going down fast and you guys are still drinking the kool aid. Have fun in that icy water
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Your barely reconcillatory tone lacks scincerity. I imagine that you do get a lot of attention at home; you, your dog and a jar....well what you do for attention in the privacy of your own home is your own business. But stay tuned and I'm sure you'll be getting even more attention at work. Now we're at that part of the movie where you lose your grip on the railing and pinwheel down 10 stories, bouncing off the propeller. Check out the "Big Pharma" boards for a soon to be released movie where a minor character from the Titanic (aka CRTX) takes the lead as a bottom feeder.