status of the company

Soooo, looks like no open positions, and if so only based on geographical opening, and will be flex. How did this go so incredibly wrong when we were sooooo reassured reps would be ok? Same old same old, different logo. Good luck to everyone.

Soooo, looks like no open positions, and if so only based on geographical opening, and will be flex. How did this go so incredibly wrong when we were sooooo reassured reps would be ok? Same old same old, different logo. Good luck to everyone.
Saving grace for some...... they have a specialty sales force and flex calls on pcp. Their territories are large. May split territories. Rankings dont mean a damn now. All on what THEY want and need. Also they only have one product too. Lol

Again, there is no credible information on the Ventiv board that seems to suggest the scenario you described. It's entirely possible that could be the case, but the drug they're supposed to be promoting is still in FDA trials per the comments, not a diclofenac formulation that's been on the market 3 years.

Again, there is no credible information on the Ventiv board that seems to suggest the scenario you described. It's entirely possible that could be the case, but the drug they're supposed to be promoting is still in FDA trials per the comments, not a diclofenac formulation that's been on the market 3 years.
I hope you are joking! The product they promote is Gralise. They hired a specialty force a year ago. Now they have hired flex reps to overlay with some specialists and pcp. You must be new to pharma bc you dont have a damn clue on how the industry works. Also for your educational needs, companies buy products not saleforces! I hope you dont work for xanodyne and be that damn blind!

Your irrational paranoia amuses me... Of course I'm not blind and am totally expecting there to be a blood bath. It's not like they'd openly tell us we're all going to lose our jobs because there'd be a mass exodus. As for your assertion, of course I know what Gralise is because it's in the pain class ya nutball. Do you have anything on paper or a link that supports your hypothesis?

Your irrational paranoia amuses me... Of course I'm not blind and am totally expecting there to be a blood bath. It's not like they'd openly tell us we're all going to lose our jobs because there'd be a mass exodus. As for your assertion, of course I know what Gralise is because it's in the pain class ya nutball. Do you have anything on paper or a link that supports your hypothesis?
Ok... let's try and makes this elementary. Depomed plans on purchasing Zipsor to add to their portfolio. They too only promote one product. They requested a list of reps. Also, xano cant announce anything because Depomed hasn't announced it to shareholders and must be cleared by SEC. When it happens, it will get ugly!

the specialty sales force for depomed is directly ventiv--they have already cut part of the ventiv contract sales force (lack of forumlary) this past winter, so if depomed is the company that is taking control of xanodyne--we are not going to be included in the formula