status of the company


What is the current status of the company? Has it been purchased? If so, what are your thoughts? Will everyone be retained? Will they keep managers? Will they have the same coorporate headquarters? Is anyone or any manager safe? Happy? From my understanding, the company wants tremendous growth, although are they providing growth or is it simply a waiting game to find out that nothing is left? Thoughts? Thanks.

Seriously, announcement in 2 weeks, some reps being kept, few managers. Existing sm pharma co.It was fun while it lasted. Good luck to all.

Devil is in the details.........We ALL will lose our jobs and ONLY a "selected list" will have the option to interview with the new company. End of the month is D Day.

Yes, 500$ for every year of service. The top 3% of reps will keep their jobs and will not have to re-interview. 70% of the company will loose their positions. The company will not offer comissions to their reps, 100% salary at 55K a year.

Yes, 500$ for every year of service. The top 3% of reps will keep their jobs and will not have to re-interview. 70% of the company will loose their positions. The company will not offer comissions to their reps, 100% salary at 55K a year.
What happened to the WARN ACT? 60 days and insurance coverage? From my understanding, their is a list with 40 reps that was passed along to new company. What they do with the reps is a toss up. It will be ugly no matter what. Only 2 managers I believe.

Hey corporate, this is what happens ^ when you leave your employees in the dark without so much as a cursory statement about what's happening.
What more would you expect from this Motley Crue! Majority of upper management are rejects that other companies didnt want and it shows.NG was MV's sidepiece from what i hear. That explains her lack of leadership. Cant wait to see what the fallout will be in a few weeks. I wonder is SB will take care of his minions, LM or IM.

I don't know how they can get away without a WARN notice? There are several class action lawsuits against pharma companies, as we speak, for not giving a WARN. Not to mention a ton of lawyers dying to take on new cases, specifically in pharma. Lawyers eat this shit up!

Damn, I know its all in the name of business, I just dont know how these people sleep at night?

Beware Karma's quickness! What goes around.......

Thanks again Xanodyne!

The Dm's and exec's will get 6 months of severance, monthly pay averaged over the prior fy. Reps will not get a Severance. Notice will be next week. Cars and computer assets will have to be returned before last pay check is offered. Top 10% of reps will get to re-interview for their positions, lower rate of pay. Zero positions will be offered in Tx, La, and Al.

The Dm's and exec's will get 6 months of severance, monthly pay averaged over the prior fy. Reps will not get a Severance. Notice will be next week. Cars and computer assets will have to be returned before last pay check is offered. Top 10% of reps will get to re-interview for their positions, lower rate of pay. Zero positions will be offered in Tx, La, and Al.
WOW! Hope the part concerning reps not getting a severance is incorrect. They could at least give us 2 weeks for every year. Considering most of us have only been here since expansion. Will the way these assclowns operated for the past three years, I wouldnt put ANYTHING past Xanodork!