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Sr. Biopharmaceutical speciality rep

All that matters is sales. If you hit or surpass your quota it does not matter how many hours you work. A lot of very good reps were hired for this job in the beginning. The poor reps have been weeded out. Stockholders especially don't care as long as your bringing in the $$$. I've been in this industry a long time. This is a tough job and a lot of reps couldn't hack it. All about hitting quota, being compliant and in my case and many of my colleagues cases making lots of money. We have selling skills that's why we don't have to punch a clock.

If it is sales that matter, then it does matter how many hours the rep works. More hours, more sales. If a rep is only going to work until the quota is reached, and a quota is reached in less than 20 hours a week, then the quota is too low. How many reps making $150,000 will quit if they have to work a 40 hour week? Amgen should not be paying full-time compensation for part-time work. In Maine, Amgen could have a lot more sales or pay a lot less money for the same result.

If it is sales that matter, then it does matter how many hours the rep works. More hours, more sales. If a rep is only going to work until the quota is reached, and a quota is reached in less than 20 hours a week, then the quota is too low. How many reps making $150,000 will quit if they have to work a 40 hour week? Amgen should not be paying full-time compensation for part-time work. In Maine, Amgen could have a lot more sales or pay a lot less money for the same result.

You're obviously not in sales. Our quotas go up by 25-45% every semester. Amgen isn't paying for the amount of time we work they are paying for the skill. And believe me this drug takes significant skill and experience to sell. If we don't hit our numbers we are gone, and we're all aware of it.

not true- drug reps think 150k is fair pay for what they do. They also think that the pod monkeys in Thousand Oaks are overpaid, overstaffed, and have over inflated ego's.

You're obviously not in sales. Our quotas go up by 25-45% every semester. Amgen isn't paying for the amount of time we work they are paying for the skill. And believe me this drug takes significant skill and experience to sell. If we don't hit our numbers we are gone, and we're all aware of it.

What takes more skill: selling this drug or stripping copper wires from street lights?

Any help/guidance on what is a realistic offer for a rep coming into oncology division as a Sr. Bio specialty rep from another company w/a current base above 110K? Already cleared 2 f2f interviews, will be meeting Regional. Also (not that it's key) but curious what current car choices are--seen some conflicting info listed. Know some reps drive Legacy Outbacks...appreciate any helpful/honest replies. Looking forward to joining Amgen!

Any help/guidance on what is a realistic offer for a rep coming into oncology division as a Sr. Bio specialty rep from another company w/a current base above 110K? Already cleared 2 f2f interviews, will be meeting Regional. Also (not that it's key) but curious what current car choices are--seen some conflicting info listed. Know some reps drive Legacy Outbacks...appreciate any helpful/honest replies. Looking forward to joining Amgen!

Oncology reps have different car selections than other business units. They do have a nicer selections - same level as managers in other sales unit. Current base can be bumped up quite a bit but it will depend on your experience/qualifications. Good luck!