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SpringWorks Therapeutics


The pipeline looks promising. As expected, it’s primarily early stage trials with a number of bio pharma collaborations, but at least here in the short-term there’s a few stage 2-3 where the data thus far looks positive and could lead to multiple filings over the next few months/years.

They are so woke.

‘Their job application asks if you’re “tranns”. (Spelled incorrectly because this site is now woke too) they also ask your sexual preference

They are so woke.

‘Their job application asks if you’re “tranns”. (Spelled incorrectly because this site is now woke too) they also ask your sexual preference
Awwwww......did you pee pee move when you read that little sport? Poor MAGA fella, I'm sure you claim you're an Alpha while you look down on you're little dickie-doo.....

They are so woke.

‘Their job application asks if you’re “tranns”. (Spelled incorrectly because this site is now woke too) they also ask your sexual preference

Well, every pharma company is woke. You won't find one that isn't. They have to be to keep your ESG scores up. Being woke isn't an option.........

They have a huge range: $157-$195+. I don't understand why companies do this. No one who is qualified will accept $150's, $160's, $170's.........

Disease state is very rare. 1100 patients with Desmond tumors. territories must be huge.

I wasn’t impressed with the hiring manager at all. All that was asked were scripted big pharma type situational interview questions. Didn’t have any real insight as to go-to-market strategy or marketplace potential related questions I asked regarding clinical assets.

The equity component is solid (combo of RSU/options)—no sign-on bonus though. Weak 401k match of 2%. Salary is simply in-line with other oncology sales roles—not like other small biotech start-ups—won’t go higher than 190k in base. Horrible car allowance program with Motus. Meh—hard pass here! These people refer to themselves as “SpringWorkers” all the time