Spot on treatments reviewed by EPA

Wow. Thought you were #1? You're not acting like a #1 team on here. Lashing out with cheap desperate shots at everyone. Like you're backed into a corner trying to survive.

EPA hired Hesperian Group and several other firms to submit feedback based on the investigation at hand. The investigation is ongoing and has scary implications to big pharma. I'm working for a Veterinarian who is directly involved with EPA and he spends a lot of time filtering through paper work provided by Johns Hopkins, Kaiser Permanente, and other sources. As a result of the work so far, EPA labeling guidelines for new products are being revised to require smaller dose bands. Ask your product development department to verify the so called "crap." FL will probably survive the flurry of changes, but major warnings will be added to the label at some point. Remember the cigarette warnings before and after big brother got involved? In the era 50s - 70s smoking was considered "good for you."

Have a smoke and a spot-on!
^^^^fear monger^^^^