Spot on treatments reviewed by EPA

[PDF] Hesperian Group's PESP Strategy
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Jan 11, 2011 – Hesperian Group's PESP Strategy ... Over the past decade flea and tick control for dogs and cats has evolved to a singularly dominant ...
Meh, fipronil (active ingredient in Frontline) has been used in a topical formulation for what, at least 14-15 years now? And with no negative impact on humans during this entire time, there’s nothing new (or concerning) for Frontline Plus here. Shoot, as I'm sure you're aware, fipronil's even been used in agriculture for longer than that (so we've all probably ingested our fair share of the stuff). The initiative you linked may ultimately be damning for some of the topicals out there, but again, not for Frontline Plus. Next!

Meh, fipronil (active ingredient in Frontline) has been used in a topical formulation for what, at least 14-15 years now? And with no negative impact on humans during this entire time, there’s nothing new (or concerning) for Frontline Plus here. Shoot, as I'm sure you're aware, fipronil's even been used in agriculture for longer than that (so we've all probably ingested our fair share of the stuff). The initiative you linked may ultimately be damning for some of the topicals out there, but again, not for Frontline Plus. Next!

I read all of the information on the report, and it suggests that there is a hidden effect and negative pattern which is relevant to human health risk, and may be tied to the rise of human health issues over decades of exposure. As we all know, fipronile is listed as a carcinogen on the MSDS. We are not out of the woods just because you wish it to be my friend. We need to watch this unwind with a careful tone. If one of your accounts brings it up, let them know it is an EPA issue, and we are not clear about the details, but we are watching.

I read all of the information on the report, and it suggests that there is a hidden effect and negative pattern which is relevant to human health risk, and may be tied to the rise of human health issues over decades of exposure. As we all know, fipronile is listed as a carcinogen on the MSDS. We are not out of the woods just because you wish it to be my friend. We need to watch this unwind with a careful tone. If one of your accounts brings it up, let them know it is an EPA issue, and we are not clear about the details, but we are watching.
Actually, “friend”, you are incorrect. This is not an “EPA issue”, as you call it. This matter is more about a for-profit organization (the Hesperian Group) vying for an upgrade in their status with the EPA’s Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP). Just because some group decides to try and make themselves look more attractive to the EPA (and consumers) doesn’t mean topical flea/tick products all of the sudden “may be tied to the rise of human health issues over decades of exposure”. Misinformation once again. Nice try though. Oh, and what the hell is firpronile?

Actually, “friend”, you are incorrect. This is not an “EPA issue”, as you call it. This matter is more about a for-profit organization (the Hesperian Group) vying for an upgrade in their status with the EPA’s Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP). Just because some group decides to try and make themselves look more attractive to the EPA (and consumers) doesn’t mean topical flea/tick products all of the sudden “may be tied to the rise of human health issues over decades of exposure”. Misinformation once again. Nice try though. Oh, and what the hell is firpronile?

It seems to me that this person did not complete their own research. So sad. The message is pretty clear if you read the report, I read it too. It is not funny, simple, or easy to dismiss. It is so sad to see greedy fools who place profit over health risks. It is even more sad to see idiots who defend their poisons with such passion. What a shame.

It seems to me that this person did not complete their own research. So sad. The message is pretty clear if you read the report, I read it too. It is not funny, simple, or easy to dismiss. It is so sad to see greedy fools who place profit over health risks. It is even more sad to see idiots who defend their poisons with such passion. What a shame.

Dude! You are posting this stuff within the devil's den. What kind of fluffy response do you expect? You have no sympathy or friends in here. Keep that epa crap to yourself and wrap up nice and warm in it. Nobody here cares about possible human exposure issues, nor do they wish to be reminded about a conscience which they lost during "new hire day."
Get it?

Actually, “friend”, you are incorrect. This is not an “EPA issue”, as you call it. This matter is more about a for-profit organization (the Hesperian Group) vying for an upgrade in their status with the EPA’s Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP). Just because some group decides to try and make themselves look more attractive to the EPA (and consumers) doesn’t mean topical flea/tick products all of the sudden “may be tied to the rise of human health issues over decades of exposure”. Misinformation once again. Nice try though. Oh, and what the hell is firpronile?

My "friend," be careful with your tone and spelling smack. So I added an "e" by mistake. So what. I think you missed my point. We may address this report at the next regional once EPA has been contacted. Until then, keep it on the down-low.

My "friend," be careful with your tone and spelling smack. So I added an "e" by mistake. So what. I think you missed my point. We may address this report at the next regional once EPA has been contacted. Until then, keep it on the down-low.
Keep it on the down-low? What the hell are you talking about? Good lord, give it up, clown...your shtick is getting old, Mr Elanco rep

It seems to me that this person did not complete their own research. So sad. The message is pretty clear if you read the report, I read it too. It is not funny, simple, or easy to dismiss. It is so sad to see greedy fools who place profit over health risks. It is even more sad to see idiots who defend their poisons with such passion. What a shame.
So, you make the HUGE leap that this "report" is gospel? Where exactly does this credibility come from? Please don't say EPA again, that has nothing to do it with it

Actually, “friend”, you are incorrect. This is not an “EPA issue”, as you call it. This matter is more about a for-profit organization (the Hesperian Group) vying for an upgrade in their status with the EPA’s Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP). Just because some group decides to try and make themselves look more attractive to the EPA (and consumers) doesn’t mean topical flea/tick products all of the sudden “may be tied to the rise of human health issues over decades of exposure”. Misinformation once again. Nice try though. Oh, and what the hell is firpronile?
Oh snap, OP just got pwned....BOOM!!!!
#winning (it never gets old)

So, you make the HUGE leap that this "report" is gospel? Where exactly does this credibility come from? Please don't say EPA again, that has nothing to do it with it

EPA hired Hesperian Group and several other firms to submit feedback based on the investigation at hand. The investigation is ongoing and has scary implications to big pharma. I'm working for a Veterinarian who is directly involved with EPA and he spends a lot of time filtering through paper work provided by Johns Hopkins, Kaiser Permanente, and other sources. As a result of the work so far, EPA labeling guidelines for new products are being revised to require smaller dose bands. Ask your product development department to verify the so called "crap." FL will probably survive the flurry of changes, but major warnings will be added to the label at some point. Remember the cigarette warnings before and after big brother got involved? In the era 50s - 70s smoking was considered "good for you."

Have a smoke and a spot-on!

Keep it on the down-low? What the hell are you talking about? Good lord, give it up, clown...your shtick is getting old, Mr Elanco rep

Elanco reps couldn't find their butz with both hands. Please insult me with something better than that. They are over paid, under educated, and too good for any of us out here. Clown is a step up.

EPA hired Hesperian Group and several other firms to submit feedback based on the investigation at hand. The investigation is ongoing and has scary implications to big pharma. I'm working for a Veterinarian who is directly involved with EPA and he spends a lot of time filtering through paper work provided by Johns Hopkins, Kaiser Permanente, and other sources. As a result of the work so far, EPA labeling guidelines for new products are being revised to require smaller dose bands. Ask your product development department to verify the so called "crap." FL will probably survive the flurry of changes, but major warnings will be added to the label at some point. Remember the cigarette warnings before and after big brother got involved? In the era 50s - 70s smoking was considered "good for you."

Have a smoke and a spot-on!

That's smoke and a pancake Austin Powers.

EPA hired Hesperian Group and several other firms to submit feedback based on the investigation at hand. The investigation is ongoing and has scary implications to big pharma. I'm working for a Veterinarian who is directly involved with EPA and he spends a lot of time filtering through paper work provided by Johns Hopkins, Kaiser Permanente, and other sources. As a result of the work so far, EPA labeling guidelines for new products are being revised to require smaller dose bands. Ask your product development department to verify the so called "crap." FL will probably survive the flurry of changes, but major warnings will be added to the label at some point. Remember the cigarette warnings before and after big brother got involved? In the era 50s - 70s smoking was considered "good for you."

Have a smoke and a spot-on!

EPA hired Hesperian Group and several other firms to submit feedback based on the investigation at hand. The investigation is ongoing and has scary implications to big pharma. I'm working for a Veterinarian who is directly involved with EPA and he spends a lot of time filtering through paper work provided by Johns Hopkins, Kaiser Permanente, and other sources. As a result of the work so far, EPA labeling guidelines for new products are being revised to require smaller dose bands. Ask your product development department to verify the so called "crap." FL will probably survive the flurry of changes, but major warnings will be added to the label at some point. Remember the cigarette warnings before and after big brother got involved? In the era 50s - 70s smoking was considered "good for you."

Have a smoke and a spot-on!

All very interesting but I bet you are a novartis rep pushing your own agenda. Why don't you post something else more interesting like how much you love taking orders direct and screwing your distributors. Get out of our blog.