Sovalidi Guidance

First, Gilead made their 11billion back within 6 months of closing the deal with Pharmasset based on the market cap from the stock price. Enough whining about the cost of R/D. Second, look at the study from a recent liver meeting that shows it costs $400 to manufacture 12 weeks of Solvaldi. Guess what information Congress and the Payers have in their hands. Both of these. Good luck guys with growing those sales

And third, to the poster stating Congress has no say on drug pricing. Who do you think appropriates the budgets for the VA? If they have a bug up their ass on this, it will trickle down to the VA and the States from their Congressional leaders. Flat script sales, hmm could be happening already

You r*****s citing the marginal cost of manufacturing know absolute zero about business pricing and cash flow and profitability and pricing and value.

Value is what the product provides to society
Price is what the stakeholder/customer pays for that value
Marginal unit pricing has to cover R&D and Distribution and Marketing costs...and the clock is ticking from launch to patent expiry

Even if you say all patients get Olysio and a 93% cure rate, that is about $160k per cure...any you avoid 15 yrs of marginal costs of $24,000 per year...and patient lives 15 years longer..from 59 to 74 years..which society values at $100,000 per year. So $360k in avoided costs and $1.5 million in value QALYs...a $160,000 investment that returns $1.86 Million over the next 30 years? Which of you would not make that personal investment if it were a stock or bond instead of a drug?

You r*****s citing the marginal cost of manufacturing know absolute zero about business pricing and cash flow and profitability and pricing and value.

Value is what the product provides to society
Price is what the stakeholder/customer pays for that value
Marginal unit pricing has to cover R&D and Distribution and Marketing costs...and the clock is ticking from launch to patent expiry

Even if you say all patients get Olysio and a 93% cure rate, that is about $160k per cure...any you avoid 15 yrs of marginal costs of $24,000 per year...and patient lives 15 years longer..from 59 to 74 years..which society values at $100,000 per year. So $360k in avoided costs and $1.5 million in value QALYs...a $160,000 investment that returns $1.86 Million over the next 30 years? Which of you would not make that personal investment if it were a stock or bond instead of a drug?

OMG! Gilead stole the drug from other companies with valid patents, manufacturing costs are pennies, and this Bozo spouts junk about QALYS when VA and Medicaid patients are dying! FU, Gilead PR person!

why are you douchebags only on this site worried about Sovaldi? Are you on the Alexion site cause Solaris costs $400,000 and does not provide a cure? Or what about our own Viread that costs $1000 a month for the rest of your life!!! Or a whole host of oncology drugs that only extend life a few months for hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Why do you have such a hard on for Sovaldi?

why are you douchebags only on this site worried about Sovaldi? Are you on the Alexion site cause Solaris costs $400,000 and does not provide a cure? Or what about our own Viread that costs $1000 a month for the rest of your life!!! Or a whole host of oncology drugs that only extend life a few months for hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Why do you hate Sovaldi?

The reason people are pissed is the level of public arrogance from Gileads leadership and the greed that has been highlighted by the investment communities constant chatter on the billions Gilead will make this year. Agree it's not that different than other companies or drugs. I see it as an Icarus like story and I don't think Martin or his croonies can fly to well without two golden wings.

The reason people are pissed is the level of public arrogance from Gileads leadership and the greed that has been highlighted by the investment communities constant chatter on the billions Gilead will make this year. Agree it's not that different than other companies or drugs. I see it as an Icarus like story and I don't think Martin or his croonies can fly to well without two golden wings.

Shut the "F" up. We own the HCV market - so what is anyone going to do about it. Probably some Abbvie slime righting this crap.

The higher you fly, the further you fall. Did one of your former Pharmasset guys who invented SOLVALDI just leave? Guess he saw the writing on the wall! "Go on, take the money and run...."

The fact is there are standards that are followed as it relates to drug price vs the value it provides to society.

Sovaldi is fairly priced, well within those standards for price and value.

Competition is coming, and when it does, las in any other business, the price will probably be lowered..