This post sounds like a bunch of misinformed patients and not business professionals that understand WAC pricing or drug bio equivalence. Another reason why care pharma is the tmz of our industry
Read that Gilead President is now a Billionaire!! Money made on the misery of people who are sick! Hope he chokes on his money!!!!!!
Sovalidil price is why we nationalized health insurance!
And you are the example why the US is ranked 47th worldwide in education and spend the most globally
No the reason for the US low ranking is that we still have pharma reps driving the cost of health higher than any country in the world. Shameful occupation and industry!! Reason for our future national drug formulary!!!!!
I am sure the people that think Solvaldi cost too much would have been willing to kick in some cash if the drug did not make it to market. I am sure they would agree to a longer time of exclusivity on the market if the price was lower. Bottom line is a company needs to make money when they can. As a retired pharm employee, not Gilead, and a pharmacist I am glad to let Gilead make me some spending money. I might add a lot of spending money
As a poor HCV patient, I am screwed by your 1% and sleazy company - published a new story today discussing how Medicaid providers were limiting access to Sovaldi because of its price!