
What's funny is that people come on here and are asking for demo units and other stupid shit. While some - 1 or 2, got to demo it, you are not a special snowflake. The whole point of the NSM this year is to show it off. A lot of people busted their ass to make this happen and guess what, you were not one of them. Chill the fuck out, you'll get the new machine when they say you will. If you want to be in charge, then get promoted. Until then shut the fuck up.

In the time being, go sell something. Or at least stop whining like a little bitch. If you don't like it here or the way they do things fucking leave. No one wants you and you're really just making yourself miserable.

Wow. You have a stunning capacity for effective communication.

The point being made is this super special panacea is not coming up in the FDA Database searches..INCLUDING pre-market approval WOTH expedited approval. So...employees, customer and market research analysts are starting to question the release.

You assumption that the people contributing are all sales people. You are incorrect. Some of us monitor this board to ensure there is no movement on these products WITHOUT approval or appropriate exemption.

See these forums are ripe for pre-audit activity. So, please, keep explaining how everyone is getting a unit at some point BEFORE FDA NOTIFICATION. Thank you for your help.

Wow. You have a stunning capacity for effective communication.

The point being made is this super special panacea is not coming up in the FDA Database searches..INCLUDING pre-market approval WOTH expedited approval. So...employees, customer and market research analysts are starting to question the release.

You assumption that the people contributing are all sales people. You are incorrect. Some of us monitor this board to ensure there is no movement on these products WITHOUT approval or appropriate exemption.

See these forums are ripe for pre-audit activity. So, please, keep explaining how everyone is getting a unit at some point BEFORE FDA NOTIFICATION. Thank you for your help.

^^^ you have an active imagination. We can demo till the cows come home to get customer feedback , which by the way makes the wait difficult, but it will be worth it. The $$$$$ that those who are patient will make will be staggering vs what the lemmings at GE ect make.
KG takes care of those who are loyal and patient.

What's funny is that people come on here and are asking for demo units and other stupid shit. While some - 1 or 2, got to demo it, you are not a special snowflake. The whole point of the NSM this year is to show it off. A lot of people busted their ass to make this happen and guess what, you were not one of them. Chill the fuck out, you'll get the new machine when they say you will. If you want to be in charge, then get promoted. Until then shut the fuck up.

In the time being, go sell something. Or at least stop whining like a little bitch. If you don't like it here or the way they do things fucking leave. No one wants you and you're really just making yourself miserable.

Agreed 100% I have major institutions postponing capital purchase until its released. They love it, and know that it is better than anything out their currently. The competition is sweating .

Agreed 100% I have major institutions postponing capital purchase until its released. They love it, and know that it is better than anything out their currently. The competition is sweating .

The fact is that no matter how good the product "may be" customers will only wait so long. Why are we having an issue with the FDA? The timeline was laid out to us and now it is slipping. And to say KG takes care of us is a fat joke! He is the most self absorbed blowhard in this entire industry.

The fact is that no matter how good the product "may be" customers will only wait so long. Why are we having an issue with the FDA? The timeline was laid out to us and now it is slipping. And to say KG takes care of us is a fat joke! He is the most self absorbed blowhard in this entire industry.

KG is the reason that you can pay your rent. SHOW RESPECT!

You are missing the point entirely, KG. has the team in place that he is comfortable with.
C grade level regional managers that are retreads from failing elsewhere ,managing B and C grade TM's.
Lets face it, the m series and the edge are now just a commodity and can and are sold via online via grey market distributors ( with full warranty ) and especially by " customer care " reps over the phone. So what if we get paid on the deals, these are the first steps in making this an entry level job at best.

The Xporte is directed at the same people we have pissed off by putting ultrasound in the hands of the untrained, and claiming to train them by our applications team, or road shows.... That's a lawsuit waiting to happen, and it is just wrong.

Yes. Lawsuit. Free Training is a Violation. Just wait. Training and demos are two separate things

Yes. Lawsuit. Free Training is a Violation. Just wait. Training and demos are two separate things

Bingo! We have a winner. And even clinical trial feedback needs appropriate FDA notification.

Seriously, something about this doesn't sound right.

I'm waiting for someone to say next "it's cool. Carry on. We have received approval in Japan or Europe".. lol

Bingo! We have a winner. And even clinical trial feedback needs appropriate FDA notification.

Seriously, something about this doesn't sound right.

I'm waiting for someone to say next "it's cool. Carry on. We have received approval in Japan or Europe".. lol

You don't know what you are talking about. Anyone who matters is at the meeting , and all our questions and concerns have been addressed. You are just a troublemaker , GO AWAY
everything is fine, carry on.

I posted the link for a reason. ALL devices must be submitted and reviewed for 510(k) pre market clearance. Even a small revision to something as simple as a ERCP disposable. The filing is a formal requirement by the FDA and exemptions are minimal. If this will be used in, on or near the human body it must get FDA 510(k) clearance for appropriate labeling and use.

So, I will ask again in an effort to bring forth TRUTH as I do not know the status of your X-Porte platform and have absolutely 100% NO INVESTED INTEREST one way or the other.

Or better yet, as an employee you can always ask your compliance department for the status, in an email requesting a copy of the 510(k) submission number.

What is the status on this? This link has nothing to do with the XPorte