Get a clue
I must not have any clue not sure what you mean, no issues
Get a clue
I must not have any clue not sure what you mean, no issues
I must not have any clue not sure what you mean, no issues
You obviously are new, or have not been paying attention to the way we have operated the last two years. It's a major cluster, and the 3 stooges are at the center of the it.
i.e. get a clue
You obviously are new, or have not been paying attention to the way we have operated the last two years. It's a major cluster, and the 3 stooges are at the center of the it.
i.e. get a clue
Your inconsistencies make it obvious that you are just trying to stir things up. At first you state that they are dead weight, then you assert that they are a root problem. The fact is neither position is correct. All three are good family men doing the best that they can in this environment. The fact that they have tenure and have been promoted is nothing but positive.
What you are failing to acknowledge is that they have nose dived this company, at the same time they lined their pockets.Your inconsistencies make it obvious that you are just trying to stir things up. At first you state that they are dead weight, then you assert that they are a root problem. The fact is neither position is correct. All three are good family men doing the best that they can in this environment. The fact that they have tenure and have been promoted is nothing but positive.
What you are failing to acknowledge is that they have nose dived this company, at the same time they lined their pockets.
^^^ sour grapes, STFU and move on.
^^^ sour grapes, STFU and move on.
Move on?? Nooo I'm waiting to get my non FDA approved demo unit...any day now
Move on?? Nooo I'm waiting to get my non FDA approved demo unit...any day now
You really need to go.
You really need to go.
Where are the demo units
Where are the demo units
Details in LA
Details in LA
I'm hearing the unit is still very buggy. We can't afford to have that out of the gate.
I don't think leadership understands how precarious things really are in the field
I'm hearing the unit is still very buggy. We can't afford to have that out of the gate.
I don't think leadership understands how precarious things really are in the field
Leadership does not need to understand, it come with not caring.
I posted the link for a reason. ALL devices must be submitted and reviewed for 510(k) pre market clearance. Even a small revision to something as simple as a ERCP disposable. The filing is a formal requirement by the FDA and exemptions are minimal. If this will be used in, on or near the human body it must get FDA 510(k) clearance for appropriate labeling and use.
So, I will ask again in an effort to bring forth TRUTH as I do not know the status of your X-Porte platform and have absolutely 100% NO INVESTED INTEREST one way or the other.
Or better yet, as an employee you can always ask your compliance department for the status, in an email requesting a copy of the 510(k) submission number.
My request for the FDA submission # has not been answered
I suspect this is another wart that management is continuing to hide from the field.
It's August and it looks like we are going to get another bull shit story....get ready here it comes
My request for the FDA submission # has not been answered
That is concerning.Do you know anyone in your product development/engineering department who may have any information?
The new guy Marko, is over his head. Clearly he regrets his move.
Re arranging deck chairs on the Titanic