
2 of my surgeons used it and when I approached them they both basically said I'm done. I have a strong relationship with one of the two and he said that the relationship can only go so far. What is our deal, Covidien has come out with 4 new vessel sealing products in the last 12 months and I get to sell a over priced G2. Complete BS!

Evaluation just got extended and my hospital issued a very large order of product that will last 6 months. How is this happening and why are we doing nothing about it? No conference calls, all they tell us is to not bash the cordless feature since we will be selling cordless by the end of the year. Hard to sell cordless if we don't have any vessel sealing in the hospital. I am hearing from a number of reps that they have multiple surgeons that have converted after using the wireless just 1 case! I don't even see how that is possible. Guess another one bites the dust will be our theme song at te national sales meeting! Thanks Ethicon for thinking we would never have to change the Ace 36.

Evaluation just got extended and my hospital issued a very large order of product that will last 6 months. How is this happening and why are we doing nothing about it? No conference calls, all they tell us is to not bash the cordless feature since we will be selling cordless by the end of the year. Hard to sell cordless if we don't have any vessel sealing in the hospital. I am hearing from a number of reps that they have multiple surgeons that have converted after using the wireless just 1 case! I don't even see how that is possible. Guess another one bites the dust will be our theme song at te national sales meeting! Thanks Ethicon for thinking we would never have to change the Ace 36.

thanks for the update mr covidien rep. a couple problems with your email if this was indeed written by an EES rep. 1st. we do not call our yearly meeting a national sales meeting and 2nd we already had the meeting a few weeks ago so the likely hood of us having that theme song 12 months from now is redonk! get a life and congrats on your new product! maybe EES will get off their ass and be more innovative!

thanks for the update mr covidien rep. a couple problems with your email if this was indeed written by an EES rep. 1st. we do not call our yearly meeting a national sales meeting and 2nd we already had the meeting a few weeks ago so the likely hood of us having that theme song 12 months from now is redonk! get a life and congrats on your new product! maybe EES will get off their ass and be more innovative!

EES rep by day, private eye by night! Great detective work you homo!

off topic, but who here goes to EVERY big stapling case to defend echelon with an imporatnat surgeon? My Cov rep does this with edogia. What a homo!!

I don't do that with my docs. How embarrasing!! This hiy is there all the time just standing there I guess. I'm sure the docs think his job is a joke!!

Well I am an EES rep and can tell you that the posts on here are not far from the truth. As far as the last post, you are about to lose a lot of business to that rep that is just showing up. I can't tell you how many sales in my career have come from supporting the doctor and just showing up. Everyone likes to buy from someone they like, and if the product doesn't clearly separate itself, than they will go with the guy they like. Unfortunately, it sounds like we may have a tough product to compete against now, however, when we launch our cordless RFA system, the tide will turn for all the Ligasure users.

I disagree. Showing up and standing in every routine colectomy to "support" endogia is not supporting the Dr. There is no other sales job that behaves this way. This is not too short of stalking imo.

Sure, it works with some docs but I think most don't appreciate it. I would never do that with my ees docs even if i was getting pressure from cov. I would bump up the frequency but never every single damn case for yeeearrrrrs. To think that the only way to keep my business is to be at every case, i would rather lose the business.

Sounds like you can't get a big surgeon because the Cov rep is in the way. Sounds like the Cov rep is doing something right by keeping that business. I know lots of reps that stick with their big docs. Generally in a large hospital you will have 3 or 4 big doctors that operate 2 to 3 days a week. I am sure the rep is keeping an eye on other surgeons while he is there. Just remember, it can take 6-10 surgeons to equal a super user, defending your big guns is a must. I do think it's funny how their is a thread about how little Ethicon reps work and than you bash a Covidien rep for working hard! My guess is you are a democrat!

Sounds like you can't get a big surgeon because the Cov rep is in the way. Sounds like the Cov rep is doing something right by keeping that business. I know lots of reps that stick with their big docs. Generally in a large hospital you will have 3 or 4 big doctors that operate 2 to 3 days a week. I am sure the rep is keeping an eye on other surgeons while he is there. Just remember, it can take 6-10 surgeons to equal a super user, defending your big guns is a must. I do think it's funny how their is a thread about how little Ethicon reps work and than you bash a Covidien rep for working hard! My guess is you are a democrat!

True. But doesnt anybody agree that its pathetic. What value is being offered

Ya, I think the earlier post was a cov rep. With that being said, we need to move up the release date of the cooler harmonic so that we have a play here. I spoke to a scrub tech who said she thought the device was lighter than the Harmonic. How is that possible with how bulky it looks?


Most surgeons don't decide which instrument to use based on which rep is there to "support" the case. We sell really basic stuff. Case "support " is a term that has migrated its way into EES culture from device companies that really provide case support on every case. Think about it... If you were the surgeon, how would you feel if the Kimberly-Clark rep showed up to provide case support? -- "Doc, be careful to observe the limit of the sterile zone."

I'll close with if you really think a surgeon will switch product based on the rep that is present, you need to allow that surgeon to "wash out" of your base... All business is not good business. Go see him/her when you need a small boost to win a contest or hit your number.

I say the cov rep is only there to punk you....sounds like its working.

Surgeons at my hospital have trialed and thought the devices were even however a slightly faster seal and less water vapor. Not sure how this could be possible but that was the perception. They felt the cordless feature gave the Cov device the overall edge. I think they will still have trouble getting this product approved in my hospital though.

I spoke with two surgeons that trialed it and while they found it interesting, they didn't see any clinical difference when compared to Harmonic. Throw in the fact that the Sonicision is more expensive than Harmonic (without factoring in the capital purchases of batteries, transducers, etc), they couldn't find a reason why they would switch.

I think it will stick in some places but like any new device, it has to get approved by a MM or committee and if they are reprocessing their current Harmonic devices, why would they allow a similar device into the hospital at twice the cost vs a reprocessed device? Even a new ACE is less expensive than the current Sonicision pricing that is getting thrown around by the reps.

I spoke with two surgeons that trialed it and while they found it interesting, they didn't see any clinical difference when compared to Harmonic. Throw in the fact that the Sonicision is more expensive than Harmonic (without factoring in the capital purchases of batteries, transducers, etc), they couldn't find a reason why they would switch.

I think it will stick in some places but like any new device, it has to get approved by a MM or committee and if they are reprocessing their current Harmonic devices, why would they allow a similar device into the hospital at twice the cost vs a reprocessed device? Even a new ACE is less expensive than the current Sonicision pricing that is getting thrown around by the reps.

Not so sure that the device will be more expensive. I think the reusable pieces make for a more economical solution. Depends on the account. I'm sure they are targeting effectively. I was hoping to hear that more negatives or more of a flop like our Enseal. I say they take a nice chunk of business from us but our overall portfolio message is better.