Solid Tumor Oncology Leadership


Some strong vibes I’m feeling from the new leadership here on the solid tumors side. After the split to 2 business units I personally feel there is a more aggressive tone in our leadership.

we need to ensure that we don’t get carried away with unrealistic targets and pushy leadership that cannot connect with the average joe

Some strong vibes I’m feeling from the new leadership here on the solid tumors side. After the split to 2 business units I personally feel there is a more aggressive tone in our leadership.

we need to ensure that we don’t get carried away with unrealistic targets and pushy leadership that cannot connect with the average joe

What's the two from ST3?

Very very toxic new president

loud but empty words!!!

have colleagues within GCSO that worked with her and they achieved the lowest credo scores last year under her amazing leadership. Rules by fear and creates visions of world dominance (through lies)

If you attended the town hall you may have noted her apology. She said ‘I will listen more and ask question later’.

Someone sat her down and told her to stifle her ‘enthusiasm’.

Any idea on how her new Precision Medicine commercial head works? Seems to be as cut-throat as her. Pretends to know all about Precision Medicine but has no experience. The two seem to be made out of the same fabric.

The precision lead knows nothing at all but will surely claim to be the expert
As for the comment on Biljana “knowing” the space…. I had to laugh out loud. She has no idea at all about the size of the business in solid tumors but will spike up the targets to look ambitious to mother Jennifer!

Her and some of her terrible reports in GCSO created a very toxic environment from what I understand.
she will say the right things and does have a coach but don’t be fooled - she is going through the motions

Been interviewing past 6 months. Hands down J & J oncology was the worst company and leadership to interview with compared to other companies. 5 months no progress in hiring TLL’s, precision medecine. Accepted an offer with a company that respected my time abs effort. Felt zero respect from J & J. Do better.