So, where's the gratitude?


Another great day, selling a great product, for a great company and appreciated and inspired by my boss and our leaders!

Damn, we're lucky to have these opportunities, no - blessings! Great pay, bonus, RSU, and benefits too!

So, where's the gratitude?

Another great day, selling a great product, for a great company and appreciated and inspired by my boss and our leaders!

Damn, we're lucky to have these opportunities, no - blessings! Great pay, bonus, RSU, and benefits too!

So, where's the gratitude?

You can have my worthless RSU and I'll just take the company car option!

Another great day, selling a great product, for a great company and appreciated and inspired by my boss and our leaders!

Damn, we're lucky to have these opportunities, no - blessings! Great pay, bonus, RSU, and benefits too!

So, where's the gratitude?

Stfu, you’re not working on Dec 23rd. Neither are most providers. Chances are you haven’t worked for shit since early 2020 except when your manager comes once every 6 months.

If you think about it, your lucky to have this job. People who went to good schools and got good grades get the job of their dreams. You should work harder even if you're hating what you're doing. You'll learn to love it as you get better at doing it. Yes, a little gratitude is expected for giving you this opportunity.

If you think about it, your lucky to have this job. People who went to good schools and got good grades get the job of their dreams. You should work harder even if you're hating what you're doing. You'll learn to love it as you get better at doing it. Yes, a little gratitude is expected for giving you this opportunity.

ok your first post had little humor to it but now it’s time to get some new material ya tool.

If you think about it, your lucky to have this job. People who went to good schools and got good grades get the job of their dreams. You should work harder even if you're hating what you're doing. You'll learn to love it as you get better at doing it. Yes, a little gratitude is expected for giving you this opportunity.
Go fuck your self!
Gratitude for low pay while VP make 1000%more? What a fool

If you think about it, your lucky to have this job. People who went to good schools and got good grades get the job of their dreams. You should work harder even if you're hating what you're doing. You'll learn to love it as you get better at doing it. Yes, a little gratitude is expected for giving you this opportunity.
What a tool?
The company is Lucky to have me. I am the greatest!
I don’t

If you think about it, your lucky to have this job. People who went to good schools and got good grades get the job of their dreams. You should work harder even if you're hating what you're doing. You'll learn to love it as you get better at doing it. Yes, a little gratitude is expected for giving you this opportunity.

A poorly written post. Clearly you did not go to a good school or get good grades. I’ll pass on the gratitude. This company should be grateful to me for putting up with douche canoes like you.

Yeppers the $800 monthly auto allowance they offered me to cover car note, gas, insurance, oil changes, tires, break jobs etc is an insult. Reps should not have to pay out of pocket expenses working out of a vehicle. Cheap bastards!

Yeppers the $800 monthly auto allowance they offered me to cover car note, gas, insurance, oil changes, tires, break jobs etc is an insult. Reps should not have to pay out of pocket expenses working out of a vehicle. Cheap bastards!


Good to see smart people on the site and not stupid Koolaid drinkers with a brain the size of a marble.

the math is easy, Company wins and You lose!


Good to see smart people on the site and not stupid Koolaid drinkers with a brain the size of a marble.

the math is easy, Company wins and You lose!
The fact that you work for “stupid Koolaid drinkers with a brain the size of a marble” says more about you. You’re egregiously stupid.