So what now/Merck

Yes, I will give you the severance issue. All the rest of the shit is the same. Maybe a car allowance that's about it. You mentioned respect and something else. That is too funny. Respect in who's eyes? No employer is going to say wow you worked as a pharmaceutical sales rep. and now you want to work for me? If you think in the eyes of the doc's contract vs. direct you are sadly mistaken. Dying job in an dying industry. The one's that have gotten out and maybe even had to take a pay cut are now better off. The soon you realize this is now a dead end job and get onto a career the better off that person will be. There will always be those that cling onto the hope and feel like they are irreplacable. Look around at those that you thought were good and are now gone. Don't try to make sence of it because it just doesn't make sence. manager definitely said we will know in april...Got ya Troll

They will not announce to us in April that itis ending in dec. they will tell us in October. If by chance it is extended they will announce that in April. If we don't hear anything in April. Don't be so foolish. The writing is on the has been a good run.

Yes, I will give you the severance issue. All the rest of the shit is the same. Maybe a car allowance that's about it. You mentioned respect and something else. That is too funny. Respect in who's eyes? No employer is going to say wow you worked as a pharmaceutical sales rep. and now you want to work for me? If you think in the eyes of the doc's contract vs. direct you are sadly mistaken. Dying job in an dying industry. The one's that have gotten out and maybe even had to take a pay cut are now better off. The soon you realize this is now a dead end job and get onto a career the better off that person will be. There will always be those that cling onto the hope and feel like they are irreplacable. Look around at those that you thought were good and are now gone. Don't try to make sence of it because it just doesn't make sence.

Lower Salary (15-20%) lower at least, contracts end after a shorter period of time. You then have to wait to pick up another one. There are gaps inbetween that look less than stellar, Many recruiters prefer not to work with contract reps. I agree that this job is dead. Going back to school for another degree or an advanced one does not always make sense when there is school debt involved. Many people who have an advanced degree or an additional one don't seem to accomplish any more than many drug reps.

They will not announce to us in April that itis ending in dec. they will tell us in October. If by chance it is extended they will announce that in April. If we don't hear anything in April. Don't be so foolish. The writing is on the has been a good run.

Look, I am working for Merck on the business valuation of EPB. We will need sales data through June. We are using Dulera weeklies but it involves much more.
Valuing a business requires more than number crunching, it takes knowledge of finance as it applies to business, a detailed understanding of tax code law and insight into operational nuances.
So why don't you all just do your job and let us do ours. We will give our findings and we won't even know what the decision will be till right before they announce it. So stop all the blowhard BS.

Look, I am working for Merck on the business valuation of EPB. We will need sales data through June. We are using Dulera weeklies but it involves much more.
Valuing a business requires more than number crunching, it takes knowledge of finance as it applies to business, a detailed understanding of tax code law and insight into operational nuances.
So why don't you all just do your job and let us do ours. We will give our findings and we won't even know what the decision will be till right before they announce it. So stop all the blowhard BS.

We understand this but we need to stay employed and it is easier to find a job if you have a job. So if I have not heard by April I will start to hand out resume's not because I want to. BUT because I have too.

Look, I am working for Merck on the business valuation of EPB. We will need sales data through June. We are using Dulera weeklies but it involves much more.
Valuing a business requires more than number crunching, it takes knowledge of finance as it applies to business, a detailed understanding of tax code law and insight into operational nuances.
So why don't you all just do your job and let us do ours. We will give our findings and we won't even know what the decision will be till right before they announce it. So stop all the blowhard BS.

Ummm... Someones trying to sound like they're not bullshitting!

All Contracts have a 60 day clause for notification related to the end of the project by law when more then 100 people will be downsized. I have been in this industry a long time so if you don't hear of an extension within 6 months of the original date the chances are pretty good it will end. If it's three months out you can pretty much be certain it will be ending. Don't listen to any of the BS stories you hear from upper management. They always say things look good or it's in the hands of the attorney's for review. Just take care of yourself, go with your gut and be proactive in your search as it's always easier to find a job when you have one. You will also hear many rumors of that other projects are being bid or close to signing. Theses contracts can take up to several years from initial bid to signing. It's a ploy to keep you on as it's all about the metrics for the client.

All Contracts have a 60 day clause for notification related to the end of the project by law when more then 100 people will be downsized. I have been in this industry a long time so if you don't hear of an extension within 6 months of the original date the chances are pretty good it will end. If it's three months out you can pretty much be certain it will be ending. Don't listen to any of the BS stories you hear from upper management. They always say things look good or it's in the hands of the attorney's for review. Just take care of yourself, go with your gut and be proactive in your search as it's always easier to find a job when you have one. You will also hear many rumors of that other projects are being bid or close to signing. Theses contracts can take up to several years from initial bid to signing. It's a ploy to keep you on as it's all about the metrics for the client.

Good point. By now we usually know if the contract is going to be extended or not, UNLESS Merck is really waiting to the last minute to make a decision based on our Dulera numbers. For those of you from the S/P contract, our contract was extended out to December 2009, they told us in April '09' that the contract was ending June '09'. Hoping this is not the case this time. Be prepared.

I am not prepared hoping we know something after the managers meeting but I have started getting resume and references ready. I really like the job and I do not want to leave but I need to get a pay check

Good point. By now we usually know if the contract is going to be extended or not, UNLESS Merck is really waiting to the last minute to make a decision based on our Dulera numbers. For those of you from the S/P contract, our contract was extended out to December 2009, they told us in April '09' that the contract was ending June '09'. Hoping this is not the case this time. Be prepared.

Do what you have to do

I agree with the others that say if we don't hear something by April we can assume this will end in December. I wouldn't be surprised if they waited until October to tell us unless they decide to axe us all in June.

I agree with the others that say if we don't hear something by April we can assume this will end in December. I wouldn't be surprised if they waited until October to tell us unless they decide to axe us all in June.

I agree but with a few caveats. If we hear in April about June what will happen in December then March, July and the fourth week of August 2028 would be wasted time. The best course of action is to plan next year for what happened Christmas eve of 1976 when Gerald Ford was President and everyone knew that his favorite days of the years were Valentine's Day and the day before Columbus day. Additionally, his favorite color was plaid. Hope that help clarify a few things!

Here are some best and worst case scenerios: Best. Extend because it buys you more time to look for a real job and still get a paycheck. Worst: It get extend and you have to go thru this all over again in a few months with the what if's. Not really and more best other than it ends and you wise up that contract is a job that starts and stop with an end date in mind. Best: you won't have to kiss your managers ass anylonger because they are no better than you. You won't have to roleplay and use words like spot-on, dovetail or gleen. Learn you lesson and pursue something that has room for developement for doing a good job. Not gonna happen here.