So many people leaving Lilly. Do they understand why?

Yea I want to use it as a way to dive into the “business sector” and plan on going back to school to get a MBA. I have a few ideas about where I want to ultimately land. I’ve been networking with marketing, finance, etc.
Be sure to always speak "fiercely from the I" and network daily with Hùgh Jãss, Richard Goãzinya, C. Mikė Huñt and Barry McCòchinner.

This is insane how many people have left Lilly over the past year.
Dave N & upper leadership are fully aware of how bad the culture has gotten and they said they are going to make changes but nothing has changed.

We have lost some of our best reps and many Executive reps. It’s tough to watch good people leave. What is our turn over rate right now? It has to be one of the highest in the industry.

They’ve gotta make big big changes soon. They have to change the bonus system. Can’t pay $3k based on individual territory performance & $3k based on district performance as a quarterly bonus. No one is gonna really give any effort over controlling $3k of performance each Q lolol.

They have to change internal promotion to Exec Rep. Quit bringing in outside reps that are far less qualified than reps that have worked themselves to the bone to get promoted but you make it so difficult that your internal employees give up trying to get it. But you just give it away to somebody that’s never been at Lilly. Makes zero sense & your internal reps just hate you Lilly.

Why don’t you pay people to get promoted to advanced positions? Want to go from primary care to specialty and a much bigger territory? Ok but Lilly won’t pay you any more than you’re making as a primary care rep. Want to go from primary care rep to a DSM? Ok great! But you still won’t get more base pay.

Lilly…now you’re hiring external candidates & paying them way more than your internal employees. Good god wtf?! And you’re paying external candidates more money that have less qualifications than your internal employees. Again, your internal employees hate you for it.

I thought you said people stay at Lilly for the for the culture & because we treat our people right?

Why didn’t you make the product mixes Iike this: PC1 - TZ & EM, PC2- TZ & TR, PC3 - TZ & JR? That way everybody gets to launch our most exciting drug in TZ. Instead you gave PC3 the worst product mix in the entire company. Drugs that are close to the end of their life cycle & NO ONE is excited about while you give all the hype and attention to PC1 & PC2.

We need better leadership that thinks things through. Or you can just keep watching people leave if you don’t care, which is what we all think right now anyway.
Just stumbled upon this post from last year and nothing has changed for the better. In fact, much has gotten worse. The culture here is so bad it’s like they want people to leave. Never in my career have I seen such low morale. Rhonda recently said “treat your people right and they’ll take care of the business.” What an utter load of horse shit.

This is the most toxic work environment I’ve ever experienced. People being promoted for reasons other than qualifications. The bogus process of getting promoted solely due to how many DMs you can meet and humiliate yourself by kissing butt and putting your name on as many worthless projects as possible. There is zero trust due to everyone trying to one up each other to be recognized. DM favoritism within district is blatant and ridiculous. Salaries are well below industry average and the raises are laughable. These are the reasons why so many quality reps are leaving. Wake up Lilly.
Amen...well said.

You don’t realize how toxic it is until you work somewhere else where people are promoted and go on trips, etc based solely on their numbers. Where people are not trying to make up stuff to outdo someone else. Lilly’s culture is the most toxic environment to work in,

Time for you to leave. Find another place to bitch. Obviously there is a much better company than here. Let us all know where that place is..
Appreciate your perspective & respectfully disagree.

1. Lilly just went through an expansion & we totally learned how tough it is to find good reps. Hiring reps out of college & with little experience is a miserable experience. Plus we pay them very little & they leave us after 2-3 years for a much bigger increase in base pay with other companies.

2. We also learned in Covid that experience & relationships absolutely matter. Huge difference in accessibility in offices.

3. I know you’re speaking from HR experience & I respect that. But good twos absolutely make a difference in a territory. If you could poll the HCPs and there are drugs that are competitive then ask them what makes the difference.
Lilly got beat by Ozempic that’s very tough to tolerate & patients have a miserable experience jabbing themselves with a needle. TR has an easy auto injector that’s easier to tolerate.
But Novo pays damn good money to obtain talent & Lilly hires young inexperienced reps so they beat our asses. TR is easier to tolerate, easier to use & has better coverage & we still lost lol
many of these posts may be some HR psyop. They are often very sneaky. And mostly __male

You don’t realize how toxic it is until you work somewhere else where people are promoted and go on trips, etc based solely on their numbers. Where people are not trying to make up stuff to outdo someone else. Lilly’s culture is the most toxic environment to work in,
I purposely fill up at the most expensive gas station in my area. I know it's immature and petty, but it makes me happy.

I purposely fill up at the most expensive gas station in my area. I know it's immature and petty, but it makes me happy.
I applaud this and encourage it. I often take office supplies, use them briefly and throw them away. I also ransack all lunchrooms and break areas for plastic cutlery and napkins and throw them away.

FYI. I left Lilly several years ago so I know how toxic it is. Like I previously said until you leave you don’t realize the nonsense that exists at Lilly. Good luck to you and keep on drinking the kool aid.

FYI. I left Lilly several years ago so I know how toxic it is. Like I previously said until you leave you don’t realize the nonsense that exists at Lilly. Good luck to you and keep on drinking the kool aid.
Then why does lilly still have its hooks in you? If you don't work here, respectfully, stfu.

I've been working at Lilly for about a year and a half, and I can't wait to leave. The compensation is very high, and my plan is to stick around for another year to build my investment portfolio. But everyday I fantasize about giving my two week notice. It's a year away and I'm already counting down. This, so far, has been one of the most miserable experiences of my life.