So many Oncology jobs, it feels like the old days!!

Stop hating because you are not getting any calls!! I have a top #1 territory, multiple award winner, and I get into accounts that no other company can get to, and all the recruiters know this!! My resume looks like it should be in a 14K Gold Frame baby!! I am taking this party straight to the bank. Remember, haters are confused admirers, so keep hating out there!! My new 7 series Benz is sick too!! Have fun in your Fusion! Ha! Ha!


No study that demonstrates that result. Keep in mind that Zometa and Reclast have different strengths depending on indication. You wouldn't be comparing apples to apples. This is why we only promote from approved studies. Maybe the person asking the question isn't as ethical as Novartis.

F#!K YOU Bill Spelta. I hope the radiation reaches to your beach house. What comes around goes around. You have ruined many people's lives with Novartis.

Whoever you are-been there, done that. Let it go.....not worth your sanity or oxygen used to utter the name. Life is BETTER away from there. Go....Fast........RUN!