So long, farewell, aufwiedersehen, goodbye

Beware of the BS that you are being told about new drugs for 2022. Galderma has not performed and Arcutis has just acquired the drugs spoken about at the meeting. There
is another acne RX looking for a home but they pulled away from Galderma because of Aklief growth .

Ask for some specific details or active or FDA approval date and see the answer you get ?
You won’t.

we are smarter than they think.

Beware of the BS that you are being told about new drugs for 2022. Galderma has not performed and Arcutis has just acquired the drugs spoken about at the meeting. There
is another acne RX looking for a home but they pulled away from Galderma because of Aklief growth .

Ask for some specific details or active or FDA approval date and see the answer you get ?
You won’t.

we are smarter than they think.


ong-timer here that invested blood sweat and tears for this company. I am engaged, passionate about what we do to help advocate for patients every day. Our culture is completely broken and trust has eroded for many employees. What you see on this site is the frustration of many hard working employees who don’t feel valued or heard. “Put up shut up” you are the problem as the biggest indicator of a lack of passion would be indicated by ambivalence. When people stop criticizing then Galderma will truly be lost.

ong-timer here that invested blood sweat and tears for this company. I am engaged, passionate about what we do to help advocate for patients every day. Our culture is completely broken and trust has eroded for many employees. What you see on this site is the frustration of many hard working employees who don’t feel valued or heard. “Put up shut up” you are the problem as the biggest indicator of a lack of passion would be indicated by ambivalence. When people stop criticizing then Galderma will truly be lost.

So far, all I see is a bitch session and paranoia for sales reps. Must be the sales rep mentality to be bitchy and whiney like they are the most important people in the world. Yes we get that we are a glorified generic pharma company with me too products. This new deal is basically crap mixture of lame OTC and some not so novel APIs, perfume on a pig.

There is restructuring coming in exactly two months but unfortunately it is not for sales reps. However, no sales, no job, nice part about it is your performance is real time.

Wrong my friend. Plenty of senior managers on this site. Also people outside the US. Stop being so opinionated about reps and open your eyes to the bigger Galderma disaster.

I always knew there were just as many Global employees as Sales Reps on this site. Most of the Reps have no working knowledge of Fleming and have never interacted with BD. It is odd though as most of these sites are inhibited by Reps and not Home Office employees. Must be real bad there if you need this site to vent. Feel free to post as info is insightful.

Indeed! No interaction with Fleming or BD yet so full of opinion of how both suck.

I don’t get it… if you have your job so much why are you still here?
Legitimate question. I have been looking for a new job for the last 9-12 months as it’s only a matter of time before the axe falls (Flemming is replacing people irrespective of performance, skills, knowledge).
Over 50, senior manager, limited opportunities in the job market (not in the US), have a family to support, bills to pay...

Many of my peers are in a similar predicament.
We cannot wait to leave this toxic and bullying environment. It’s just not that easy.

Legitimate question. I have been looking for a new job for the last 9-12 months as it’s only a matter of time before the axe falls (Flemming is replacing people irrespective of performance, skills, knowledge).
Over 50, senior manager, limited opportunities in the job market (not in the US), have a family to support, bills to pay...

Many of my peers are in a similar predicament.
We cannot wait to leave this toxic and bullying environment. It’s just not that easy.
Ouch! Good luck:)

Galderma doesn’t value its sales people or anyone else. Turnover will continue to be high because we are all looking for companies that value us. It's a shame because our allegiance and loyalty to Galderma is worthless in the eyes of upper management!!! Keep looking folks, lots of jobs out there with great companies who will reward you for your efforts!!!

at least be honest with yourself, you're staying at Galderma although you hate the place because you can't get a job anywhere else. Your a career fucking loser who has done nothing but survive your entire career. You have recruiters "hitting you up" on linkedin all the time but the jobs never pan out therefore they aren't good, am i right? Have fun riding shot gun while the ship sinks to the fucking bottom. When this shit hole company either goes under or gets sold then what will you do?

I salute the folks who left right after the Nestle divestment, of their own free will, because they saw the writing on the wall. They got out in time, ensured their careers stayed on track while many are still sitting back, waiting for a severance and watching the final fiasco unfold. For the ignorant Galderma people who think it will last forever, change is coming. At the latest when this company finally gets sold. Thomas and Flemming can continue their abusive, toxic ways, but it won’t last.

There's more people looking for a new job than there aren't, but there aren’t many around. It's sad that employees are literally staying only for the money with no sense of pride or dedication to their jobs. It's sad when a large percentage of the workforce at Galderma absolutely hates where they work. Not the job itself, but the people running the place. If I were CEO, I would want happy, engaged, committed employees. Not people wishing they could find a new job and hating the sight of me. A successful company is measured not only on profits but on their culture and employee attitude. Galderma is toxic. I can only hope I can find something new as well. Sooner rather than later.

Just get out before they burn you out. Over the last 10 years I’ve seen this happen so many times. The leadership turns over so often you are constantly having to jump through hoops to prove yourself to the next regime.

When we have as much top leadership turnover in the past 18 months it is a wonder why anyone stays. Good people left on their own for a good reason. You should follow their lead.