So excited Blondine's daughter got hired on!

I'm sure Blondini's intent wasn't malicious but just like the "Courageous Conversations" call, guess we should all stop and think before we speak. Or maybe just keep our mouths shut alltogether. Kinda like the gentleman who said he has to fear for his sons every time they leave the house because they are African American. Surely he didn't mean that anyone who isn't the same ethnicity as him has nothing to worry about when it comes to their children walking out the door, right?? Or the fine young lady who on the very same call said America was founded on murder, greed and rape!!! SMH!! Novo is outta control right now!!!

Blondine might be ready for some sensitivity training- this could be an amazing and glorious teachable moment for her and so many other deviants hiding in the shadows of NNI. Sometimes people need to be made aware of how their actions and choices affect other people and be held accountable- is that too much to ask? I'm still pouring through old family documents, digging through stacks of papers to figure out if my family ever owned other human beings or mistreated them. While we are certainly far from perfect, overall I've been relieved to find that no such blemish exists on my family tree. Some would agree that this is great news and champion this positive discovery. While others would be quick to chastise me and demand that I continue digging, dig deeper, and don't stop digging until I find something, because there has to be something there somewhere, right? Overall I find it very disheartening that NNI derives some sense of pleasure as it uses various factions, better known as ERGs to further divide the company. Pretty sure we will all be receiving our pronoun badges in the mail soon!!! Can't wait!!!!!

Raising awareness doesn’t promote divisions. We need to exercise empathy and genuinely care about others. I agree it wasn’t the best thing to say. However, she’s proud of her family.

Raising awareness doesn’t promote divisions. We need to exercise empathy and genuinely care about others. I agree it wasn’t the best thing to say. However, she’s proud of her family.

But, she has no business being proud of her family until this guy finds out the fate of his job. We must all sit silently and morosely as the world revolves around him, and he ultimately gives us the nod to resume our lives. I can’t believe you don’t know that. He’s the keeper of our moral compass! No one has a right to do anything they want until HE decides they can, which will be when he finds out about his job. You need to catch up.

I mean, this guy didn’t give a shit when 30% of the US was unemployed, but now that it might impact HIM....well, now it’s serious, and we must act accordingly!

I'm sure Blondini's intent wasn't malicious but just like the "Courageous Conversations" call, guess we should all stop and think before we speak. Or maybe just keep our mouths shut alltogether. Kinda like the gentleman who said he has to fear for his sons every time they leave the house because they are African American. Surely he didn't mean that anyone who isn't the same ethnicity as him has nothing to worry about when it comes to their children walking out the door, right?? Or the fine young lady who on the very same call said America was founded on murder, greed and rape!!! SMH!! Novo is outta control right now!!!

I wasn’t on the call, I didn’t hear it firsthand.
But I know Blandine, and while the timing might not have been the best, I can assure you, there was nothing malicious about her comment. She just got caught up in the moment. I’ve sat in many meetings where she’s the one at the table talking about the impact to a person (be it an employee, a patient, physician etc.), not just impact to the business.

Everyone take a deep breathe. No harm intended, she’s actually the one who’d take a bullet for you.

Well that's what Novo is currently teaching us. We aren't permitted to think for ourselves, because that could be racist, bigoted, xenophobic, original, etc. But if Novo blesses the notion and conveys it on a company wide call, then surely it is A-OK. Because we're all smart enough to acknowledge that inequity exists in the world, but we are too stupid to realize that it exists everywhere we look. It consumes our daily activities and we should be inflicting punishment on ourselves to make up for the actions, thoughts and dreams of others. Even if you see people engaging in kind behavior, have the courage to keep searching for the evil because it is there!!!

Well that's what Novo is currently teaching us. We aren't permitted to think for ourselves, because that could be racist, bigoted, xenophobic, original, etc. But if Novo blesses the notion and conveys it on a company wide call, then surely it is A-OK. Because we're all smart enough to acknowledge that inequity exists in the world, but we are too stupid to realize that it exists everywhere we look. It consumes our daily activities and we should be inflicting punishment on ourselves to make up for the actions, thoughts and dreams of others. Even if you see people engaging in kind behavior, have the courage to keep searching for the evil because it is there!!!
Hey Sailor, you wanna have another man blow you? I’m game. Let’s meet at pride fest on Ventura.:cool::cool:k

I wasn’t on the call, I didn’t hear it firsthand.
But I know Blandine, and while the timing might not have been the best, I can assure you, there was nothing malicious about her comment. She just got caught up in the moment. I’ve sat in many meetings where she’s the one at the table talking about the impact to a person (be it an employee, a patient, physician etc.), not just impact to the business.

Everyone take a deep breathe. No harm intended, she’s actually the one who’d take a bullet for you.

It is obvious that you don’t see her as she really is and don’t know her at all. No malice, just oblivious and self centered. Her comments reflect the real Blandine.