Smart Pharmacy

Sorry does not work that way...just because you close your business, any outstand liability are yours. The owners/employees can be named in any current and future lawsuits. Does it make it harder, yes, but if a lawyer knows they have money, they will go after it.

Anything purchased with funds tied to the schemes are confiscatory - accounts, cars, homes, RVs, yada yada yada. Beside monetary penalties, if feds prove intent, which isn’t a high bar, prison/probation is possible. In addition, providers face exclusion from government programs. And can’t be employed by anyone who bills those programs. So say goodbye to any future earnings. And in case funds are hidden, there are bread crumbs everywhere. With all the tentacles, there may be racketeering implications.

I’m not a lawyer. But look at what others compounders have faced for their operations.

Today 12/31/2019 is the last day that Smart Pharmacy can rip off the tax payors of this country. I hope I never see the words Smart Pharmacy again, unless it in a press release by the Government saying they have been indicted for fraud and are in JAIL. I never want any one to loose their job, but Smart Pharmacy employees should be shamed of them selves, for letting the two greedy owners do what they did. They did not do it by themselves, and the employees are to blame. Now all have you have lost your jobs.

To the Government, DEA, Board of Pharmacy, PBMs and Insurance payors....I hope that you have the will powder and strength to bring these two criminals to justice. Make an example out of them. Don't let the slick lawyers they have dissuade you from doing what is right for the American people and your stock holders. The only thing they love is take it away from them. They have no moral compass or ethics.

Think about how they compounded Hydrocodone and sold it as a compound because their wholesaler would not supply them any more with commercial hydrocodone products. How many people did the get addicted or continue to stay addicted. How many lives did they disrupt in the quest for MONEY. How much morphine did they use in Pain Creams? How many auto refills did they fill for scripts that patients did not want.

How many MDs did they feed, gift and out right bribe (with trips/food and travel to Vegas)
Golf tents at the Players and the such
? How much free food did they give to the staff at the cost of tax payors.

How may things did they do wrong, that we will never know about. If you are a employee and know something, do the correct moral thing and tell someone. The DOJ has an office in Jacksonville I am sure. Call Express Scripts and or CVS Fraud line and report them. Call the DEA and tell someone what you know or have seen. You owe these two nothing, but you own American a lot. Tax payors deserve better!

Last....Greg and Bill....I know your narcissistic personality cant stop you from reading what has been posted about you all these years. You may have fooled alot of people, buy you know in your heart that you have never been "quite right". You know your vioice in your head tells you to do wrong things, to stay in the gray area, to push the line... My wish is that you both get help, you are sick and need help. My God protect your kids from your beliefs and ethics!

I would like to see the US Attorneys office at least try to prove criminal intent. With close to $100mm in fraudulent billing, and all the witnesses to back it up, you’d think they’d take a good look at these guys

I hope Smart Pharmacy has a good action plan in regards to Jacksonville clients. No one is going to trust them. They need a good story and a big dinner budget in order to gain rapport again. Although despite the bad media, I’m actually really happy to see Smart Pharmacy stay afloat. One does have to wonder how long it’s going to last at this point. I know that other then the current management in place, Bill and Greg have good intentions and want to be able to provide good pain therapies and opioid alternatives to people! The worst move they made however was hiring their current national sales manager and “executive vice prez”, they are all involved in Cannasafe and are greedy. I hate it for B&G...

I hope Smart Pharmacy has a good action plan in regards to Jacksonville clients. No one is going to trust them. They need a good story and a big dinner budget in order to gain rapport again. Although despite the bad media, I’m actually really happy to see Smart Pharmacy stay afloat. One does have to wonder how long it’s going to last at this point. I know that other then the current management in place, Bill and Greg have good intentions and want to be able to provide good pain therapies and opioid alternatives to people! The worst move they made however was hiring their current national sales manager and “executive vice prez”, they are all involved in Cannasafe and are greedy. I hate it for B&G...

Bahahaha...Nice try!

Bill and Greg are criminals in every sense of the word. They have intentionally stolen tens of millions of dollars from government and private payers. And they have trained their employees to commit fraud as well. Many employees have already spilled the beans to the Feds.

Now these cowards will hide behind their attorney’s and pray they can get away with a civil settlement. They don’t give a shit about anything, accept raping insurances for every cent they can.

They are just small, greedy little men...with big fat pockets. They represent everything that is wrong with healthcare, and humanity in general.

I hope Smart Pharmacy has a good action plan in regards to Jacksonville clients. No one is going to trust them. They need a good story and a big dinner budget in order to gain rapport again. Although despite the bad media, I’m actually really happy to see Smart Pharmacy stay afloat. One does have to wonder how long it’s going to last at this point. I know that other then the current management in place, Bill and Greg have good intentions and want to be able to provide good pain therapies and opioid alternatives to people! The worst move they made however was hiring their current national sales manager and “executive vice prez”, they are all involved in Cannasafe and are greedy. I hate it for B&G...
Who is their national sales manager? G Menetto? That guy is an absolute joke.

Smart Pharmacy is in panic mode! Reps are frantically going into offices with prescriptions that were written YEARS ago, and asking the providers to sign off on all the ingredients the pharmacy illegally switched from the original prescriptions. Lol, talk about healthcare fraud!

I worked at Smart Pharmacy for a few years up until recently. Let me say this. This place used to be a great place to work! The two, owners, especially Bill Scroggins, genuinely want to have happy employees work for them. But two years ago, they brought these two inept morons in to run things, Gerry Dabkowski and Geoff Menneto, and things have taken an incredible downward spiral ever since. These two have run this company into the ground and failed at everything they have attempted so quickly, that it almost seems like they have screwed things up on purpose. I don’t want to get into details, but, the best analogy i can come up with is that these two dolts remind me (and others) pretty much of the TV characters Michael Scott and Dwight Shrute from the show “The Office”. Pretty much the same intelligence level and also definitely the same blind dedication to each other. Let’s just say, I’m glad i am no longer there.

I worked at Smart Pharmacy for a few years up until recently. Let me say this. This place used to be a great place to work! The two, owners, especially Bill Scroggins, genuinely want to have happy employees work for them. But two years ago, they brought these two inept morons in to run things, Gerry Dabkowski and Geoff Menneto, and things have taken an incredible downward spiral ever since. These two have run this company into the ground and failed at everything they have attempted so quickly, that it almost seems like they have screwed things up on purpose. I don’t want to get into details, but, the best analogy i can come up with is that these two dolts remind me (and others) pretty much of the TV characters Michael Scott and Dwight Shrute from the show “The Office”. Pretty much the same intelligence level and also definitely the same blind dedication to each other. Let’s just say, I’m glad i am no longer there.

Smart Pharmacy has always been nothing more than an elaborate scam. Both of the owners have always placed profits over patients, employees and healthcare laws. You sound like a disgruntled employee who was recently let go. The fraud, waste and abuse goes way back before you and the people you mentioned came along.

Wow. I just read the entire 100+pg complaint against Smart Pharmacy and Greg Balotin. I’m amazed that someone can commit that amount of fraud and not face any criminal charges. It’s just staggering that the DOJ and AUSA Collette Cunningham are only pursuing civil penalties.


Wow. I just read the entire 100+pg complaint against Smart Pharmacy and Greg Balotin. I’m amazed that someone can commit that amount of fraud and not face any criminal charges. It’s just staggering that the DOJ and AUSA Collette Cunningham are only pursuing civil penalties.


Is it online? Can you point the message board to it?

Just downloaded and read the complaint. Among other things, it looks like Greg was instructing his staff to pretty much change all prescriptions to the highest reimbursed formula the company could come up with. All without the doctors knowledge. Pretty much forging signatures, but in reverse. The creams were formulated with the most expensive ingredients they could possibly find, without having anything to do with patient’s safety or any actual efficacy.

I agree, I don’t know how this isn’t criminal?

Simply waiving all the copays violates Anti Kickback Statute, which in itself is criminal. So jail time is definitely on the table.

This guy 100% deserves to go to prison.