Smart Pharmacy

Say what you will about Smart Pharmacy, but I personally know a few reps who work here and make very good money. One of my former pharma counterparts is making a shit ton of money just on Medicare prescriptions. They pay him a base of $150k, plus bonuses. He also says he's on the verge of getting another raise on his base pay. Apparently they calculate his commission and just pay it out as a base pay, which fluctuates every three months. Sounds good to me!

Regardless of what people are saying, I'd personally take the money and look the other way.

I hate to break it to all of you haters, but Smart Pharmacy isn't going anywhere. Nor are they under any type of investigation. Wealthy, old white men don't get into trouble with the law, they can buy their way out.

Remember the OJ Simpson dream-team? If you have the means, you can overturn DNA evidence (even if you're fleeing the scene on national television w a gun to your head)! I'm sorry, this is America, it just works that way.

So please just stop with all this....yawn

literally just overheard my friendly neighborhood smart pharmacy rep making head to head comparisons with big pharma pain products here in Orlando. It's only a matter of time before they are reported

Please, that's nothing. The smart pharmacy reps in my territory are now paid to promote the most expensive prescription drugs they can get their hands on. My docs are telling me that they are trying to detail them on Hep C drugs like Harvoni and Solvaldi, which are like $200,000 per patient. I wonder what those drug manufacturers would think if they knew that reps with no medical sales knowledge, experience or training are promoting their products. Smart pharmacy is the Martin Shkreli of this industry

Haha this person above me is hysterical. Welcome to specialty pharmacy. This is how they all work. Can you imagine a company paying their reps more on a drug they make more money on?!?????? Craziness......

Please, that's nothing. The smart pharmacy reps in my territory are now paid to promote the most expensive prescription drugs they can get their hands on. My docs are telling me that they are trying to detail them on Hep C drugs like Harvoni and Solvaldi, which are like $200,000 per patient. I wonder what those drug manufacturers would think if they knew that reps with no medical sales knowledge, experience or training are promoting their products. Smart pharmacy is the Martin Shkreli of this industry

Get the fuck out of this thread...if you think HEP C medicines cost 200k you don't deserve to be posting....

Examples like this is why I love SP....80 percent of more of my competition are r*****s and couldn't make it in pharma.

^^^Damn, some people just have to have the last word even when proven wrong.

Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is just going to knock over all the pieces, shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway.

Good luck in life buddy!

^^^Damn, some people just have to have the last word even when proven wrong.

Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is just going to knock over all the pieces, shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway.

Good luck in life buddy!

I'm doing just fine pal...I would love to compare W2's in person.

I've recently heard that the Feds are ready to round up Greg & Bill along w Chip, Cindy, Kerri, Joe and all the other accomplices at this company. Stay tuned!

They are the worst kind of people. Absolute scum. Can't wait for all this to happen.

Greg says there is always a "grey area"; right, what you're doing is clearly illegal. They screwed over so many patients because they are just money-hungry. They took so much money from Tricare - for prescriptions the patient did not even ask for. I really hope that place burns (not literally, of course).