Slow Tradjenta launch = fired Bobbie J

Of course this drug is going to fail...why with team players like all of you cry baby's there is no way to succeed....if you dislike this company so much, do yourself and them a favor and go find another job. Once you have pounded the pavement BI may look a little better than
what is out there, which is not much. Instead of finding fault try putting that energy into succeeding. It is what you make of it! Garbage in , Garbage out!

Of course this drug is going to fail...why with team players like all of you cry baby's there is no way to succeed....if you dislike this company so much, do yourself and them a favor and go find another job. Once you have pounded the pavement BI may look a little better than
what is out there, which is not much. Instead of finding fault try putting that energy into succeeding. It is what you make of it! Garbage in , Garbage out!

come on man, this pos is impossible to sell, most of us needed the job until we find significant real and park this BS.

Please keep saying telling physicians when they adjust the dose for Januvia the patient is receiving a subtheraputic dose. They are laughing at you and your company for not understanding.

Well, that has nothing to do with the messaging or what we should be saying. You have a rogue rep in your area who is a fucking idiot.