Slow Tradjenta launch = fired Bobbie J

What a POS this drug is. Hardly any A1C reductions, hell Januvia and Onglyza have better numbers then this crappy drug. I had a doc tell me today to not bother leaving samples since he will never Rx it. We are finished before we even start, I think id rather hot the golf course until the layoffs hit. Which is going to be soon. Hopefully Bobbie is the first to go.

Come on folks we all new this was going to happen..I had two endo's almost laugh in my face when I showed them the data..mark my words, the sales forecast will be reduced several times and within a year there will be reductions..

What a POS this drug is. Hardly any A1C reductions, hell Januvia and Onglyza have better numbers then this crappy drug. I had a doc tell me today to not bother leaving samples since he will never Rx it. We are finished before we even start, I think id rather hot the golf course until the layoffs hit. Which is going to be soon. Hopefully Bobbie is the first to go.

Same thing happened to me.
Just about every doc that doesn't roll their eyes and walk away asks "so what?" Or "And why should I use this instead of Januvia or Onglyza?"
What waste of time. If I get more then 5 scripts this quarter I will be shocked.

You are either a complete fool or never sold in Diabetes before. This dog is a third to market with zero differentiation..BMS cannot get Onglyza off the ground..What makes you believe we will..Come on have you even tried to sell this crap..Doctors look at you and so oh great..and then just keep RXing Januvia..there is zero chance of sucess..

I beg your pardon. I have a 15% share for Onglyza. Onglyza is definitely off the ground.

Actually I think Onglyza is doing pretty well with their combo. I chatted with a bms rep who I've known for many years and she told me if you take out generics and look at new scripts only, not total scripts then Onglyza has about 17% share, Januvia about 35% share and actor has 30% share but is dropping. Every other brand makes up the rest like the injectables and avandia. I think a 15 to 17% share of all new scripts in my area is pretty f'in good. We will be lucky to get 2% or 1 in 50 new scripts for a diabetic.
Flame Januvia and Onglyza all you want but docs love them and think ours is a waste of time.

Actually I think Onglyza is doing pretty well with their combo. I chatted with a bms rep who I've known for many years and she told me if you take out generics and look at new scripts only, not total scripts then Onglyza has about 17% share, Januvia about 35% share and actor has 30% share but is dropping. Every other brand makes up the rest like the injectables and avandia. I think a 15 to 17% share of all new scripts in my area is pretty f'in good. We will be lucky to get 2% or 1 in 50 new scripts for a diabetic.
Flame Januvia and Onglyza all you want but docs love them and think ours is a waste of time.

This is what I'm seeing too, about 15% Onglyza, 30% Januvia, 35% Actos and the rest is victoza/byetta and a tiny amount of avandia. I'm sure we can get Tradjenta to at least 25% by end of 2011 with our current amazing sales team and leadership right guys? I know i'm gonna bump up my activity to 2 calls a day because I"M SO PUMPED UP!

Actually I think Onglyza is doing pretty well with their combo. I chatted with a bms rep who I've known for many years and she told me if you take out generics and look at new scripts only, not total scripts then Onglyza has about 17% share, Januvia about 35% share and actor has 30% share but is dropping. Every other brand makes up the rest like the injectables and avandia. I think a 15 to 17% share of all new scripts in my area is pretty f'in good. We will be lucky to get 2% or 1 in 50 new scripts for a diabetic.
Flame Januvia and Onglyza all you want but docs love them and think ours is a waste of time.

National share is no where near that...

BI is the Z team. I apply to at least 7 jobs a week and they always tell me that I have been at BI too long and skills have been lost since BI is seen as a third rate cast away company. Also, they see BI reps as reach and frequency robots with team members. I am crashing my car off a bridge if I can't get another job within 2 months. My sanity is way gone. This company will suck the soul out of you.

You people are sad and pathetic, that's why u can't find a job.
to blame bi as your reason for losing your skills just shows me how lazy and worthless u ate.
I've turned more job offers down in the last 6 months then you've been able to dream about.
but I stay because I like the people I work with and my dn respects me.
I value that higher then hunting for a higher salary.
if or when this goes away, I will be fine, believe me.
And remember, its not the raquet that makes the player.

You people are sad and pathetic, that's why u can't find a job.
to blame bi as your reason for losing your skills just shows me how lazy and worthless u ate.
I've turned more job offers down in the last 6 months then you've been able to dream about.
but I stay because I like the people I work with and my dn respects me.
I value that higher then hunting for a higher salary.
if or when this goes away, I will be fine, believe me.
And remember, its not the raquet that makes the player.

I call bs. And you have zero tradjenta scripts just like of us. No use defending POS products like this.

You people are sad and pathetic, that's why u can't find a job.
to blame bi as your reason for losing your skills just shows me how lazy and worthless u ate.
I've turned more job offers down in the last 6 months then you've been able to dream about.
but I stay because I like the people I work with and my dn respects me.
I value that higher then hunting for a higher salary.
if or when this goes away, I will be fine, believe me.
And remember, its not the raquet that makes the player.

How cute. It's BI haiku.