Slow Tradjenta launch = fired Bobbie J


Bobbie is an incompetent twit. He turns the whole launch over to Lilly and outsiders disrespecting existing Boehringer employees. Now that Lilly is out of the picture and the newbees are proving incompetent Bobbie needs the very people he has disrespected his whole Boehringer career.

Bobbie is an incompetent twit. He turns the whole launch over to Lilly and outsiders disrespecting existing Boehringer employees. Now that Lilly is out of the picture and the newbees are proving incompetent Bobbie needs the very people he has disrespected his whole Boehringer career.

It's almost worth screwing up the launch if they finally fire Lurch. What to do, what to do.

No clinical differentiation? Have you read Del Prato? You must not be certified. This is going to be a blockbuster. Pharmacies are running out on a daily basis.

Certified? Give me a break. Pass the BI test and you are certified to sell the drug. Spit out stupid verbatims citing points in different studies. What BI needs is more inventiv reps--get rid of all the BI reps, specialty reps, and inspecs. If we want the drug to do well get inventiv people on it!! That's what BI is doing w/ Pradaxa.

Certified? Give me a break. Pass the BI test and you are certified to sell the drug. Spit out stupid verbatims citing points in different studies. What BI needs is more inventiv reps--get rid of all the BI reps, specialty reps, and inspecs. If we want the drug to do well get inventiv people on it!! That's what BI is doing w/ Pradaxa.

You are either a complete fool or never sold in Diabetes before. This dog is a third to market with zero differentiation..BMS cannot get Onglyza off the ground..What makes you believe we will..Come on have you even tried to sell this crap..Doctors look at you and so oh great..and then just keep RXing Januvia..there is zero chance of sucess..

You are either a complete fool or never sold in Diabetes before. This dog is a third to market with zero differentiation..BMS cannot get Onglyza off the ground..What makes you believe we will..Come on have you even tried to sell this crap..Doctors look at you and so oh great..and then just keep RXing Januvia..there is zero chance of sucess..

Right on!! Doc's can pad their pockets with cash from Merck stock by writing Januvia.
What can they get for writing TradJenta? A free lunch??

They can get Lilly stock. Whoops. Maybe not. BI is in deep doo doo. The new elephant commercial should be of it shitting right at the camera. Deep Deep Doo Doo. BI stands for Beyond Idiotic.

question from an outsider- is Lilly for sure out of Tradjenta? Can they form a new sales force to sell it and still fulfill their legal obligation?

That's is likely what they will do. If they have 2 separate sales forces, one selling Tradjenta and another selling Byetta, they should be able to fulfill their legal obligation. Rumor is Quintiles openings are for Lilly sales force.

What a POS this drug is. Hardly any A1C reductions, hell Januvia and Onglyza have better numbers then this crappy drug. I had a doc tell me today to not bother leaving samples since he will never Rx it. We are finished before we even start, I think id rather hot the golf course until the layoffs hit. Which is going to be soon. Hopefully Bobbie is the first to go.