Cool. Now leave. Whiney puke.
Thanks management. How are your $10 options doing? Hahaaaaaaaaaaassass
Cool. Now leave. Whiney puke.
No reason to attack one another. In response to the Little dick man that posted "what are you waiting for. Leave already". Well, its like this douchebag, as I stated earlier I just started to begin my job search yesterday by contacting three recruiters. I have a family to support and I am not stupid enough to just quit. I will quit as soon as I secure a better job. Hopefully, if all goes well I will quit before the end of the year. The thought of going to the next national sales meeting to stand up and applaud reps that have been gifted 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 extra accounts and then remain at the same standard and compared to those that haven't received anything makes me sick to my stomach. Not to mention all the other FAKE nonsense.
The new bonus plan only rewards low volume/slow starting reps as it is much easier odds to increase sales and grow the business versus someone else that has worked their tail off with high volume. "thanks for getting Ofirmev on all your order sets and in the carts. We know you worked tirelessly in an effort to do the company well. This is me Randy. Remember several months ago when I sent the email out to the entire sales force when people started to quit? Well, I got a bit worried so that's when I promised all you naive hard working reps that if you hung in there through the challenging times, you would be $ rewarded. Well, LOL I lied. The plan was to get you to do all the brunt work and provide you with marginal benefits at best and keep you anging with the promise of more money later LOL. Do you think we care about you or your family? Hell no! Thanks for falling for all of our lies. Oh, by the way, my % of bonus and my other pals like Scott, will not change and will only be better for us. It's a win win for us LOL. And don't forget, we AUTOMATICLY go on ALL award trips. After all, we DESERVE it, right? Scott and I are getting together next week to discuss where WE want to go after Costa Rica."
So in summary, if you have already worked your territory hard with high volume, well you Lose. Despite how difficult it is to maintain your accounts doesn't matter. Low volume and low producers with growth will be the only ones rewarded. So sad to see some reps with not even 1/3 the volume of others, suddenly climb into the top 20, even the top 10. Do yourselves a favor, if you save all your emails, go back to Randy's email pleading for ALL to hang in there and you will be handsomly rewarded. You will be reminded how seedy this company is. Also, go ahead and calculate what your potential bonus check will be at .30 cents. Not very motivating is it?
Cool. Now leave. Whiney puke.
No reason to attack one another. In response to the Little dick man that posted "what are you waiting for. Leave already". Well, its like this douchebag, as I stated earlier I just started to begin my job search yesterday by contacting three recruiters. I have a family to support and I am not stupid enough to just quit. I will quit as soon as I secure a better job. Hopefully, if all goes well I will quit before the end of the year. The thought of going to the next national sales meeting to stand up and applaud reps that have been gifted 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 extra accounts and then remain at the same standard and compared to those that haven't received anything makes me sick to my stomach. Not to mention all the other FAKE nonsense.
The new bonus plan only rewards low volume/slow starting reps as it is much easier odds to increase sales and grow the business versus someone else that has worked their tail off with high volume. "thanks for getting Ofirmev on all your order sets and in the carts. We know you worked tirelessly in an effort to do the company well. This is me Randy. Remember several months ago when I sent the email out to the entire sales force when people started to quit? Well, I got a bit worried so that's when I promised all you naive hard working reps that if you hung in there through the challenging times, you would be $ rewarded. Well, LOL I lied. The plan was to get you to do all the brunt work and provide you with marginal benefits at best and keep you anging with the promise of more money later LOL. Do you think we care about you or your family? Hell no! Thanks for falling for all of our lies. Oh, by the way, my % of bonus and my other pals like Scott, will not change and will only be better for us. It's a win win for us LOL. And don't forget, we AUTOMATICLY go on ALL award trips. After all, we DESERVE it, right? Scott and I are getting together next week to discuss where WE want to go after Costa Rica."
So in summary, if you have already worked your territory hard with high volume, well you Lose. Despite how difficult it is to maintain your accounts doesn't matter. Low volume and low producers with growth will be the only ones rewarded. So sad to see some reps with not even 1/3 the volume of others, suddenly climb into the top 20, even the top 10. Do yourselves a favor, if you save all your emails, go back to Randy's email pleading for ALL to hang in there and you will be handsomly rewarded. You will be reminded how seedy this company is. Also, go ahead and calculate what your potential bonus check will be at .30 cents. Not very motivating is it?
Waitress, do you realize your "ERA for ever" cry is suggesting only 3 reps are needed, just make sure one is a broad? Think about what a victim you are while you fetch me more coffee.
If the Q4 IC plan and the manner in which it was communicated is a statement, this thing is winding down. I just love job hunting during the holidays.
It is winding down...average of last 6 weeks sales is 97k. Trajectory not looking good. Heard they were going to force out more "low performing" reps.
I have to agree with many of these posts. It's funny how this is hitting right about at the 2 year mark, where many believed how much time we would have at Cadence. I have to say this new bonus plan is a disgrace and ultimately won't keep the best reps here. I was told time and time again volume and maintenance was just as important. How they slipped out this email announcing the plan was so cowardly. this could ave been announced at the regional meetings, but they knew it would have blown up in their face. Don't be fooled, they knew the specifics about this plan then.
I have to start looking now, but was hoping not to have to until first quarter of 2013, but it's important to jump on it now. What a bunch of sleazy leaders and I no longer want to be associated with it. There's pros and cons to everything, but I will shoot for a true science based company. Cadence could be selling air conditioners versus a drug. There's no science here and ultimately no really security or future. This "slap in the face" I fear is just the beginning. They cant take our base pay away, but ultimately they can take everything else. I hate the car allowance, the insurance is the worst I have had in 18 years, no 401k match which I costing all of us thousands of dollars. I still can't believe I made this horrible decision to leave my old company and come here. When you add up my old benefit package and bonus from my previous company, I am losing so much more here than I could ever imagine. I also just had to get more work done on my car for driving so many crazy miles. This has been a joke,
Just a question. Might the issues be more a regional/district leadership concern than bonus or is it really the bonus plan that is causing so much passion.
can pick just one
It is the horrible bonus plan and how people are ranked. We are sales people and are graded by performance. Therefore, the ranking report should be accurate and fair. Also, the bonus plan should be fair. It is not. It punishes those that have built up a healthy volume despite the difficulties and challenges of maintenance. People are fed up and have had enough!
It is the horrible bonus plan and how people are ranked. We are sales people and are graded by performance. Therefore, the ranking report should be accurate and fair. Also, the bonus plan should be fair. It is not. It punishes those that have built up a healthy volume despite the difficulties and challenges of maintenance. People are fed up and have had enough!
Ive spoken to several high performers who are now looking to leave. This has been the all around most pathetic excuse of a company.
It is the horrible bonus plan and how people are ranked. We are sales people and are graded by performance. Therefore, the ranking report should be accurate and fair. Also, the bonus plan should be fair. It is not. It punishes those that have built up a healthy volume despite the difficulties and challenges of maintenance. People are fed up and have had enough!
Ive spoken to several high performers who are now looking to leave. This has been the all around most pathetic excuse of a company.
Was this how it was at Scios?
I could have written this myself, well said.