
I heard skinmedica is a cool company to work for.

Skinmedica is an absolute joke. they have a bunch of used car salesmen as managers, monthly sales goals that are set without any market research. A company of tools. If you have any kind of education you don't want to work for these clowns. most shouldn't even have children mush less manage a team. If you're straight out of highschool looking for a job try it out. otherwise, stay away or talk to a current or former employee.

Skinmedica is an absolute joke. they have a bunch of used car salesmen as managers, monthly sales goals that are set without any market research. A company of tools. If you have any kind of education you don't want to work for these clowns. most shouldn't even have children mush less manage a team. If you're straight out of highschool looking for a job try it out. otherwise, stay away or talk to a current or former employee.

AMEN!!!!! Well said. It's a miserable place to work with even much more miserable "managers". I was let go because I wouldn't cater to my managers obsessive compulsive desire to harass and stalk me - we are all adults here. No need to be hounded all hours/days of the week. Being let go was the best possible thing that has ever happened to me in my career. Bigger and brighter things do exist outside of SM.

You were let go because you didn't work and you certainly didn't sell a damn thing in the weeks you were here. Nobody stalked you just got caught in your web of lies and deception. You want something for nothing. How's that working out for all you Obama fans?

You were let go because you didn't work and you certainly didn't sell a damn thing in the weeks you were here. Nobody stalked you just got caught in your web of lies and deception. You want something for nothing. How's that working out for all you Obama fans?

Idiot ....who brings politics into this thread. I was selling it "sweetheart" hit my quotas keep on drinking it if it works for you it's telling what kind of person and ethics you are. Good luck to you lies have nothing to do with a shitty product or management. How can you you sell what you know to be a bag of lies and bunch of bullshit. Kool aide is on isle 3 you dumb fuck.

Idiot ....who brings politics into this thread. I was selling it "sweetheart" hit my quotas keep on drinking it if it works for you it's telling what kind of person and ethics you are. Good luck to you lies have nothing to do with a shitty product or management. How can you you sell what you know to be a bag of lies and bunch of bullshit. Kool aide is on isle 3 you dumb fuck.

And for the record I lasted almost a year not weeks. Typical brown noser doesn't know who or what the hell you are talking about. You know the products and company and management is bullshit, misleading and shameful. Look at the rep turnover. Over 70%.... Enough said.

And for the record I lasted almost a year not weeks. Typical brown noser doesn't know who or what the hell you are talking about. You know the products and company and management is bullshit, misleading and shameful. Look at the rep turnover. Over 70%.... Enough said.

With turnover that high - if in fact true, you people are pathetic.

Hey dumb fuck! Derm residency is the toughest to get in to. Only the top Med School students have a chance!! 350 applicants for 4 places is as tough as it gets!!! Your jealousy of being stuck in your fucking POD shines right through in your hillbilly ass response! As usual, another pcp rep just throwing off some bullshit, unproven data. You are pathetic you stupid asshole prick!!! Go brush your tooth!!!

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This statement just shows that you have never called on any other specialty if you even want to call derm a specialty. I guess derm residency is harder to get into then a neuro or cardio spec, because after all popping zits is so hard and very life saving. Just keep drinking the punch that your lame company is giving you. Dummy.

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You're an idiot. Keep posting here because I am literally laughing out loud at your stupid posts. What the poster before you said is true...actually do some research before we have to listen to your diarrhea of the mouth anymore. Derm residency is one of the hardest to get into....and I dare you to prove me otherwise.

You're making an ass of yourself. FYI.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only reason derm is hard to get into you ASS, is because there are few derm residency programs. The reason there are few programs is because the rest of the medical profession looks down upon derm, and views it as a joke. So why don't you get YOUR facts straight. GDucl

You are making shit up! no one is looking down on any Derms. You are a total moron.

1. Great gig, pays well wonderful lifestyle little to no call. no sick patients
2. AAD has done a great job of keeping the residency programs limited unlike many other specialties and their societies. This keeps their value high which is why there are still waiting lists to get in to see a derm even in this lousy economy/Obamacare. (I know times are changing)
3. Only the top Medical students get in.
4. There are a lot of professions that are looked down on by others like Chiropractors, Podiatrists (these are the true step children of medicine, sorry but true) and there are tons of residency programs and spots. Your facts are not facts at all they are made up bullshit.
5. No one is comparing what a Derm does compared to Neuro are you out of your mind?
6. Its about getting into your field of choice because of what you did in Med School.
7. Everyone who is educated knows Derm is the toughest because
a. Limited spots
b. Desired profession

I realize this is a very old post but I am a true outsider in Derm but could careless about the company.

So screw off you dumb ass non-derm person! :)
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