I heard three NE reps quit promptly after his exit, two of which were on pace for Pclub. RH not cultivating leadership or loyalty? Clearly was doin something right. They didn't want to report to anyone else.
Reps and Managers leaving is good for the company. Get rid of the dead weights that couldn't grow their business if they tried.
He lost over half his team before he left and the two that left after, well let's just say he was very close with one of them.
Anyone who thinks the loss of managers who actually sold the test is a good thing; I pity you. RH and BH went to bat for their reps time and time again fighting for what is right. I used to be proud to work for LS. I wish RH and BH the best and know they will be amazing wherever they end up. RH and BH should not be the target of all of the frustration on this board. KM, LS, and PH are ruining this company at an alarming rate. How is LP still around? I am embarrassed at the lack of awareness and compassion for employees. The board lets this go on? Keep treating the sales people like they do and forgetting we are the face of the company...not smart. Although at this point, I am not surprised.
This is spot on. You critics slinging arrows from your high horses can't carry the water of the people you are criticizing here. These people are the winners because they stood for what was right. What do you stand for? When these people were fighting for you on the CAB or in Manager meetings you stood by and did nothing. You are the leaches. You are the collective Lou's. Your attitude has created this mess. People who take responsibility to improve things and sacrifice much should be applauded. You are shameful gossips.
Managers that went to bat for their reps went by the wayside after the first round of lay offs. The left over managers got in line after that. BH is a stand up solid manager but even he treaded very lightly after February.
The rest may have given their teams the perception they were going to bat for them but they really were just sitting quietly. RH was too busy interviewing to try to put together a team to accomplish anything else.
LP was and always will be the puppeteer
You must have pulled that from HDL's web site