Since decisions have already been made.....


So obviously decisions have already been made. We are just waiting the notifications at this point. DMs out there, do you know already who's retained and who is let go yet? Or will you be notified on the 27th via some mode of communication? Just curious at this point. One more week doesn't really matter much with how long we've been waiting. I'm just curious how it's going to be rolled out on your end.


commercial business directors and therapeutic business manager are currently meeting with their respective regions today and tomorrow to map everything out. Final placements will be forwarded to human resources for review prior to announcements on the 28th.

commercial business directors and therapeutic business manager are currently meeting with their respective regions today and tomorrow to map everything out. Final placements will be forwarded to human resources for review prior to announcements on the 28th.

Bull shit! DM here... Decisions are in via 3rd party. Based on tenure, location within territory, PC wins, standings and therapeutic area. We dont know who has been selected but we cant change or challenge the decisions. Not that we had much input to begin with.

commercial business directors and therapeutic business manager are currently meeting with their respective regions today and tomorrow to map everything out. Final placements will be forwarded to human resources for review prior to announcements on the 28th.

Total BS!! It's already done and results will be sent to DM's Monday evening.

Bull shit! DM here... Decisions are in via 3rd party. Based on tenure, location within territory, PC wins, standings and therapeutic area. We dont know who has been selected but we cant change or challenge the decisions. Not that we had much input to begin with.

North West DM. Above poster is correct. We have heard exactly the same here.

Decisions were made back in February on which reps would be kept - top sales results, EE on competencies. Of course, some of the chosen have already left the company so don't be surprised if some territories go to Ashfield rather than filling it with a less "qualified" BI rep.

Decisions were made back in February on which reps would be kept - top sales results, EE on competencies. Of course, some of the chosen have already left the company so don't be surprised if some territories go to Ashfield rather than filling it with a less "qualified" BI rep.
If your chosen few are leaving the company, than this company is deader than doorshit. Somebody knows something because those types of people always stick around

I've always heard that DMs would have virtually no say, with the exception of giving feedback to the RDs, and that the RDs might have some say in who stays and who goes. I dunno, thoughts? Guess we will find out in a week!