It is not Lepore. He looks at the big picture and handles the overview, it is the people under him who have the day to day contact and who make the actual decisions that are implemented out in the field
It is not Lepore. He looks at the big picture and handles the overview, it is the people under him who have the day to day contact and who make the actual decisions that are implemented out in the field
Be Thankful, I cant wait to get out of here!!!! I work in the Central Region under MS and she is a nightmare, all I see in my region is constant turnover.
Obviously you dont know what the hell you are talking about. You must be a disgruntled ex employee who was fired for being a lazy dumb ass. There is no such thing any more as the Central region. If you were still gainfully employed here you would know that. You are surely the same person that keeps spitting out the same shit. Get over it and move on. MS is not the problem. The problem is morons like you that want to cheat the system but point fingers when they are outed. what goes around comes around. Karma is a BITCH!