Signatures before 8:30 and 4:30

poster #4:

You cannot compare this career to an inside company position. Many key physicians are not in before 8AM and when we get home there is always computer paperwork.

I do agree that this is a 10 to 12 hour job per day. Especially when you include driving to and from the first and last call plus all the paperwork.

Anyone who thinks differently is not doing their job!

I have a solution. Hire those of us who have been in the business for over 10 years and have proven sales results. Our children are out of college. You can hire us for less. Many of us are single and we can spend many hours out in the field promoting our products because there is nothing to come home to.

We are the BEST to hire. Think about it.

You are right....those with no life outside of work could be the best hire. However, I have seen those with no children, experience, and great numbers work long and hard and still get the boot. No comparison made with positions inside corporate office....simply saying you must keep them on your good side. With that being said.....this company along with others have people working in corporate offices who resent the sales force and the money a hard working rep makes. What they need to understand is this.....if it were not for that hard working sales rep, they wouldn't have a job!!! Never bite the hand that feeds you!!!!

And....what does it say about value when they hire people with many years of experience and willingness to work hard to maximize potential for less money? Isn't that backwards? Shouldn't the ones with those traits get paid more? Please correct me if I'm wrong!

I still say be thankful for having a job....regardless of how much of a joke the company is currently. Just hang on and keep your head above water until you can jump ship. I know it will be a proud day when you can tell them all to kiss your ass!!!!

poster #4:

You cannot compare this career to an inside company position. Many key physicians are not in before 8AM and when we get home there is always computer paperwork.

I do agree that this is a 10 to 12 hour job per day. Especially when you include driving to and from the first and last call plus all the paperwork.

Anyone who thinks differently is not doing their job!

You nailed it - the job is unique but if you work hard, it is very rewarding. My plan is to continue to improve and work my butt off . If the company does well, we will be rewarded!

if you work in the central region like I do, you will never see a good bonus check. Its sad our regional manager does nothing but seek people out and fire them. I cant wait till the economy gets better so I can get out of here!!!!! yeeeeee hawwwwww

As a company Strativa has the needed resources to actually sell our products. I want to know why RP or whoever is responsible insist that sigantures are more important than the "sale"? So now your sales team is more concerned with patterning their day to coinside with 830 am signatures and 430 pm signatures. Siganatures are fine but creating a time frame takes away from the real reason of the first and last call. There is (was) PAY for Performance here, so stick to it. There is no reason for insecure management. We Know your the boss... Managers should focus on how their reps are going to make THEM money to move market share, instead of being micro managed themselves.
SIGNATURES do not let a manager know if the rep is working!!!!! NUMBERS DO!!!!! If your in the bottom 10% 2 quarters in a row, time for an attitude adjustment. The Leadership team could get so many other things done that can contribute to the bottom line, Instead of report(s) showing the average call time of a rep.
Working for this company is like dating an insecure teenager with ACNE... But I sho do makes lot money!!!!

The advice is free this time...

sales should rule and not signatures

it is all about the money so forget the other bullshit

advice is golden so identify yourself for the just reward

babysitting days are over


As a company Strativa has the needed resources to actually sell our products. I want to know why RP or whoever is responsible insist that sigantures are more important than the "sale"? So now your sales team is more concerned with patterning their day to coinside with 830 am signatures and 430 pm signatures. Siganatures are fine but creating a time frame takes away from the real reason of the first and last call. There is (was) PAY for Performance here, so stick to it. There is no reason for insecure management. We Know your the boss... Managers should focus on how their reps are going to make THEM money to move market share, instead of being micro managed themselves.
SIGNATURES do not let a manager know if the rep is working!!!!! NUMBERS DO!!!!! If your in the bottom 10% 2 quarters in a row, time for an attitude adjustment. The Leadership team could get so many other things done that can contribute to the bottom line, Instead of report(s) showing the average call time of a rep.
Working for this company is like dating an insecure teenager with ACNE... But I sho do makes lot money!!!!

The advice is free this time...

Excellent advice but RP is still an insecure teenager and that is why the edict. I guarantee you that HE never did it when he was a rep with Glaxo.

As a company Strativa has the needed resources to actually sell our products. I want to know why RP or whoever is responsible insist that sigantures are more important than the "sale"? So now your sales team is more concerned with patterning their day to coinside with 830 am signatures and 430 pm signatures. Siganatures are fine but creating a time frame takes away from the real reason of the first and last call. There is (was) PAY for Performance here, so stick to it. There is no reason for insecure management. We Know your the boss... Managers should focus on how their reps are going to make THEM money to move market share, instead of being micro managed themselves.
SIGNATURES do not let a manager know if the rep is working!!!!! NUMBERS DO!!!!! If your in the bottom 10% 2 quarters in a row, time for an attitude adjustment. The Leadership team could get so many other things done that can contribute to the bottom line, Instead of report(s) showing the average call time of a rep.
Working for this company is like dating an insecure teenager with ACNE... But I sho do makes lot money!!!!

The advice is free this time...

Shit like this is why good people continue to leave Par...

Not one rep has left in last few months. Why leave when pay and benefits are the best in the industry and morale is at an all time high! With such a bright future, we have to worry about a spinoff and buyout.

If you are under MS's region like I am, its only a matter of time before she gets the boot, she is consistently ranked last and blames everyone else but herself for her miserable numbers. I cant wait till she gets canned, it will make my life much better here at Strativa. I'm still shocked at how she is the Regional Manager. Goes to show that this company has poor leadership. Oravig is a dud, and so is your leadership MS. I cant wait till your gone, all of us will be more motivated to work

I agree, all she does is protect herself and blames everyone else for her poor performance. Its sad, the whole region wants to see her go. I constantly get calls from across the region about how miserable they are and how terrible her leadership is. If Rick new what he was doing he would be smart of enough to can her ass. Excuses are over MS, you need to get the boot, we need someone else in your role, one with more experience and one that goes to bat for their people.

I agree, all she does is protect herself and blames everyone else for her poor performance. Its sad, the whole region wants to see her go. I constantly get calls from across the region about how miserable they are and how terrible her leadership is. If Rick new what he was doing he would be smart of enough to can her ass. Excuses are over MS, you need to get the boot, we need someone else in your role, one with more experience and one that goes to bat for their people.

Don't think anyone at Par fits the bill. They would have to go outside. There isnt anyone that would go to bat for their people that would be a good fit as a regional.

Don't think anyone at Par fits the bill. They would have to go outside. There isnt anyone that would go to bat for their people that would be a good fit as a regional.

We had great ones in the past who did fight for their people but the good ones are run out very fast here. MS also made sure that the good ones were gone so she could jockey for their jobs. It worked and she was put in their place. Now this backstabber gets the job and it is so obvious she is way over her head. She will get her due and it is coming soon. I heard that somone in home office heard Rick talking about how she was next to go. It won't be long. Just keep staying home and don't perform for her and she will be let go. Hey rick...she back stabs you too to the managers and the reps. Just call some of them and they will tell you what she says. She blames everything on you...the true sign of poor leadership.

its more than just performing, our Regional Manager is terrible and she blames everyone but herself. All I have seen is turnover, management by fear and no incentive to work for her. I cant wait to see her go!!! Your strategy is terrible MS and its apparent to the whole region, we are sucking wind in all categories. Good people have left because of you, and now its time for the hammer to drop on you!!!!! Rick pull the trigger PLEASE!!!!

its more than just performing, our Regional Manager is terrible and she blames everyone but herself. All I have seen is turnover, management by fear and no incentive to work for her. I cant wait to see her go!!! Your strategy is terrible MS and its apparent to the whole region, we are sucking wind in all categories. Good people have left because of you, and now its time for the hammer to drop on you!!!!! Rick pull the trigger PLEASE!!!!

You are full of crap! MS is very motivational and truly appreciates her reps! Get over yourself and qualify your comment, "Your strategy is terrible". Unless working a full day is your idea of a bad strategy!