They really are serious about the signature times. The one thing I can say is if you have a job right now, do what you have to do until you find something else. Let me offer one piece of advice.....don't be fooled....posting great numbers and growing a nearly impossible drug does not secure your position. One thing Strativa is getting good at is weeding out the bad....but with that, they also get rid of some of their hardest working reps who post awesome numbers. Obviously I don't want to call names because I want my post to be read, but there are a few key people everyone needs to kiss ass to in home office. Should, at any point, you do anything they don't like or question may as well start packing! The koolaid is drank heavily by people at the top all the way to the bottom....they love you one minute and not the next....NOBODY is on your side here! It is human nature to vent frustrations.....vent those to your spouse or significant other and let it NOT trust your fellow reps!!
Times are hard. Be thankful for a job.