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Side job ideas while selling pharma??


A side job is what 90% of the people who were unceremoniously relieved of their duties as rep end up obtaining. Not much fun punching a clock for 10.00 an hour W/O benefits.

Good times - good times.

A side job is what 90% of the people who were unceremoniously relieved of their duties as rep end up obtaining. Not much fun punching a clock for 10.00 an hour W/O benefits.

Good times - good times.

I know, hate it for those it happened too. But I'm trying to take advantage of the situation while I can. Does anybody have any ideas?

How about a part-time job with Kathleen Sebelius promoting ObamaCare? Yeah, that's the ticket! Ask your CEO about it--he was the first Lilly person to work hustling for ObamaCare.

Start a catering business on the side. Get other reps to use you. Use your contacts. Scam money out of Lilly by doing lunches that really never take place. Easy money and very low risk. You can also purchase a cash register and make your own receipts- unless you are stupid very hard to get caught.

Many reps are working as a 1099 reps on the side particularly in the compounding pharmacy sales arena. For those of you who have not competed in the transdermal pain cream market the compensation often runs 10K, 20K, 30K per month for reps.

We have all seen Voltaren Gel advertise on TV and the joke is that the product is nothing more than an NSAID "diclofenic" in a cream. Compounding pharmacies offer a product that has anywhere from 4-6 active ingredients including diclofenic but at a 3% concentration rather than just the 1% in Voltaren Gel. What person would not agree that the odds of having a more efficacious product with a higher concentration of the one active ingredient would not be better than Voltaren Gel. The beauty for the reps is that if you partner with the right company you can easily be earning $350 to $400 or more per script. With our company if you could get 20 doctors to write only 1 script per week you would be selling 80 scripts per month and with an average reimbursement level you would make $28,800 per month. Keep in mind that you get paid on refills and new scripts so if you only got 20 scripts early on it would not take long before you were getting 80 or more. We have compounds for scars and stretch marks and wound care creams. Imagine all the physicians treating patients with old and new scars like "C" sections, hip replacement, knee replacement, elective plastic surgery where the patient may have to pay for the surgery but the medications would be covered. Think of all the diabetic patients that have tons of wounds and are hard to heal.
The great thing about this is that it takes so little time away from your current job. Any physician currently writing Voltaren Gel for pain is a great target. If you are interested please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn, Thomas Isley and you can go to our website at SupremeMedSolutions dot com

Just lovely.

A topical nsaid.


Why didn't we think of that?

Many reps are working as a 1099 reps on the side particularly in the compounding pharmacy sales arena. For those of you who have not competed in the transdermal pain cream market the compensation often runs 10K, 20K, 30K per month for reps.

We have all seen Voltaren Gel advertise on TV and the joke is that the product is nothing more than an NSAID "diclofenic" in a cream. Compounding pharmacies offer a product that has anywhere from 4-6 active ingredients including diclofenic but at a 3% concentration rather than just the 1% in Voltaren Gel. What person would not agree that the odds of having a more efficacious product with a higher concentration of the one active ingredient would not be better than Voltaren Gel. The beauty for the reps is that if you partner with the right company you can easily be earning $350 to $400 or more per script. With our company if you could get 20 doctors to write only 1 script per week you would be selling 80 scripts per month and with an average reimbursement level you would make $28,800 per month. Keep in mind that you get paid on refills and new scripts so if you only got 20 scripts early on it would not take long before you were getting 80 or more. We have compounds for scars and stretch marks and wound care creams. Imagine all the physicians treating patients with old and new scars like "C" sections, hip replacement, knee replacement, elective plastic surgery where the patient may have to pay for the surgery but the medications would be covered. Think of all the diabetic patients that have tons of wounds and are hard to heal.
The great thing about this is that it takes so little time away from your current job. Any physician currently writing Voltaren Gel for pain is a great target. If you are interested please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn, Thomas Isley and you can go to our website at SupremeMedSolutions dot com

Start a catering business on the side. Get other reps to use you. Use your contacts. Scam money out of Lilly by doing lunches that really never take place. Easy money and very low risk. You can also purchase a cash register and make your own receipts- unless you are stupid very hard to get caught.

Better yet, get your wife to start a catering business. Then not only can other Rep's use your business, you can use your wife's catering business and nobody would be the wiser.

This is an old scam... it's been done at other company's with good success.

How about a part-time job with Kathleen Sebelius promoting ObamaCare? Yeah, that's the ticket! Ask your CEO about it--he was the first Lilly person to work hustling for ObamaCare.

Likes most Americans, I love Obamacare! No lifetime limits, no pre-existing conditions, no kicking kids of at 18 or 21 (now stay on til 26); more competition, cheaper rates. Whats not to like? facts please not dumb opinion like "its socialist", because it clearly is not. Ask Canadians or Europeans what socialist medicine is; it means single payer govt only. So yes, I love Obamacare, and he is to be commended for doing what virtually every prsident for the last 100 years tried to do but failed.

Kudo's President Obama; now if the republicans would stop worrying about abortion, and start focusing on jobs we can move forwrad on the labor front!

Likes most Americans, I love Obamacare! No lifetime limits, no pre-existing conditions, no kicking kids of at 18 or 21 (now stay on til 26); more competition, cheaper rates. Whats not to like? facts please not dumb opinion like "its socialist", because it clearly is not. Ask Canadians or Europeans what socialist medicine is; it means single payer govt only. So yes, I love Obamacare, and he is to be commended for doing what virtually every prsident for the last 100 years tried to do but failed.

Kudo's President Obama; now if the republicans would stop worrying about abortion, and start focusing on jobs we can move forwrad on the labor front!

Yes, not only that, but Americans won't have to stay in dead end jobs just because they need the company's insurance. Employer paid health insurance is a real ball and chain for most working poor (including many at Lilly). We should all be attracted to work we love, not be attracted because it's the only game in town. Look around you. Think about it.

Could be the biggest game changer since the 1950s when employers begged to offer insurance as a perk...

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