Wow! Not all of us are in your boat. I see customers and actually work 5 days a week. I also never understood why you all so freely share this.
Wow! Not all of us are in your boat. I see customers and actually work 5 days a week. I also never understood why you all so freely share this.
There is Zero access here. Been going on for years. How long will we have our jobs? Cannot play the game much longer.
Why 11 calls? They have Zero integrity. I’ve been with Eli Lilly for over 20 plus years. I have great relationships. I can honestly say if I see two of my targets a month I’m lucky. Yes, I’m a rep in MN. Most all of the IDN’s are closed to industry. Come on and give us packages!
Mouth wide-open, like you're at the dentist...Only closed to those with no relationships. All Dr.'s can be seen- just not in traditional places
Another fake oncology repI’m here in MN. I just keep quiet! I tell people I’ve got appointments. I’ve only seen a few Doctors in 2023. I just pretend. Been with Lilly for over 20 years and yep I’m in my 60’s. Riding the make believe job/game out.
HR would like to remind you that you can always report a concern for call falsification
HR would like to remind you that you can always report a concern for call falsification
I used to work in a territory that was covered by a rep who moved into an HR role and after a week I figured out they lied their ASS off about the majority of their calls.