Not one nursing home patient was given Zyprexa without a doctor writting the order for it.
Sorry about the long delay in responding, I was saving lives.
The big difference between you and me, is this: when I go home at night, I have patients on my mind. Did Mr. Jones get a good dosage of Placebo X or Y? Very often, as most of us learn in medical school, we might as well be prescribing sugar pills. Especially for depression, anxiety, even psychosis. Believe it.
So, get off of your high horses. Shovel up the horse apples, grab a bail of hay. Be useful.
BUSTED!!!!! No one who had the brains to go to medical school and make it through a residency would ever spell bale of hay......"bail of hay"!
Yikes! You patients are in more trouble than I thought. "when I go home at night, I have patients on my mind".......Yeah, just like Anthony Weiner has his wife on his mind when he is texting erection pictures to young babes.
BUSTED!!!!! No one who had the brains to go to medical school and make it through a residency would ever spell bale of hay......"bail of hay"!
Yikes! You patients are in more trouble than I thought. "when I go home at night, I have patients on my mind".......Yeah, just like Anthony Weiner has his wife on his mind when he is texting erection pictures to young babes.
BUSTED!!!!! No one who had the brains to go to medical school and make it through a residency would ever spell bale of hay......"bail of hay"!
Yikes! You patients are in more trouble than I thought. "when I go home at night, I have patients on my mind".......Yeah, just like Anthony Weiner has his wife on his mind when he is texting erection pictures to young babes.
"Give him a break"????? You are an idiot for your feeble attempt to protect a pervert.
Hey, here's a good idea.......How about LillyPAC raising a bunch of money for Weiner?
Do YOU send pictures?
Would you think it okay for a stranger male to send pictures to your 17 year old daughter?
Case closed.
Perhaps not so bad in your immoral mind.
But perhaps you have not yet seen the pictures of Weiner's fully erected package that he sent out. You really wouldn't mind if a strange man sent pictures like that to your 17 year old daughter???? Really?
Your liberal and immoral thought process just proves that when it is a liberal who is caught in the act of being a pervert, just never mind. It's just okay.
Give him a break. He is in treatment.
How can those people at Gawker live with themselves?
Not one nursing home patient was given Zyprexa without a doctor writting the order for it.[\Quote]
Enjoy your ride while you can, once a liar, always a liar. Who gave the Docs the reason and info to prescribe it? No one believes pharma anymore, and the information on what you really do is spreading! You are all going down!
Not one nursing home patient was given Zyprexa without a doctor writting the order for it.
who's weiner?