I was not going to respond to your rudeness, but here goes. As I was typing, my phone sometimes does its own thing. On this occasion it went a bit bonkers as evidenced by the last bit of my post. My phone then promptly froze up. While I was trying to unfreeze the darn thing, it posted, wit no way to edit. I don't know what's wrong with a small crowd of people at Shire that they are so hateful to those of us in eyecare. What did we do to you? Most of us (everyone I know) left a good position and known & respected drugs to come here to start something new. We risked careers with no approved drug. That's right, I and most of us came with no promise of a job or a drug to sell. No promise of anything beyond a dry eye drug. And dry eye is NOT the drug we came here for. It's what we have with a hope of great things to come. Again, eye pharma is NOT life and death. Preventing blindness or gett>ng anywhere close, just one baby step close is something that changes lives. I have many blind friends. People I have met through my career. You try going to a restaurant, a very simple thing. Try it. Try finding your fork and where to stab it, not knowing if you got food on it or not. Try going to the grocery and shopping or cooking dinner. How about not ever knowing what your children look like? So, smarty pants, in your attempts to slam us and to belittle me maybe you have shown what an ass you are. Good day.