shire sales reps to lose their jobs!!!

Recruiters are parasites. Don't feel special, you were one of a thousand call today.
Their industry is in worse shape than ours.
Being positive is great, but don't believe a thing until it actually happens.

True. It takes awhile to land a good job, nowadays, even if bazillions of recruiters call, so you should start working on it asap. They will have you spinning your wheels for a lot of nothing but you have to do it. The market sucks but it can be done and it will be worth it to avoid Shabbie. I did it and it was definitely worth the wait. My pay went back to the good rate before the recession (that everyone says we aren't having).

I will make this post clear... There is not a single pharmaceutical representative that is relevant in today's marketplace.

To those narcissistic "Presidents Club" Reps, I congratulate you on being lucky and being in the right position at the right time. Notice that there is no mention of North v South. But please don't be fooled that it may be your sales ability.

To the rest of the narcissists, you are just stealing valuable oxygen as you ask the ultimate probing question and alternate choice close - "Doctor, did you want the caramel latte or the chai tea latte?"

I will make this post clear... There is not a single pharmaceutical representative that is relevant in today's marketplace.

To those narcissistic "Presidents Club" Reps, I congratulate you on being lucky and being in the right position at the right time. Notice that there is no mention of North v South. But please don't be fooled that it may be your sales ability.

To the rest of the narcissists, you are just stealing valuable oxygen as you ask the ultimate probing question and alternate choice close - "Doctor, did you want the caramel latte or the chai tea latte?"

You are trying WAY too hard.

I will make this post clear... There is not a single pharmaceutical representative that is relevant in today's marketplace.

To those narcissistic "Presidents Club" Reps, I congratulate you on being lucky and being in the right position at the right time. Notice that there is no mention of North v South. But please don't be fooled that it may be your sales ability.

To the rest of the narcissists, you are just stealing valuable oxygen as you ask the ultimate probing question and alternate choice close - "Doctor, did you want the caramel latte or the chai tea latte?"


Oh blah blah blah. Last week, er for the last 15 years you assholes revered the ground they walked on while others in the industry were treated like shi**t. They had all the parties, meetings, fun perks. Now you kick them to the curb. It is so stupid. It is all about what makes you money, you greedy scum shareholders. You are what has ruined this industry. Go play some video games and diddle on your i phone. Soon all you will get from us will be bitcoins. Have I got a deal for you. Level 20 dungeons and dragons. Meet me in my office in Singapore.

And then some! Since the days of managed care and their formularies it has been the rep with favorable formulary positions.... Hero, unfavorable.... Bum. We have been truly irrelevant for the last 10-12 years. When all this dust settles, we will see who are the heroes and who are the bums.

Sad days. Lot of us reps have been here awhile and fought the managed care fight and won. Now you can't sell, you have some "single Phycho, Perry puppet" telling you to be creative, do things different. Then your told "you did not deliver the proper shire message." while trying to be inovative or different. Truth be told, it is all just hot air. Abbvie paid to much, the board inflated Shires value (really inflated do the math), and they are going to cut ever penny they can to keep the books inflated AKA you with tenure. So document the crap that's coming, the crazy invalid shit your boss claims you said or did, and fight. They will make serious misrakes when trying to cut people, they are to busy concentrating on their soon to be pot of gold as they wrongfully run off the foundation of Shire.