Shire Managment Monitoring This Blog

If management is reading this, as pathetic as that would be, do everyone a favor and adapt to the changing market. Please stop using antiquated metrics and compensation plans from Merck's 2002 playbook. Apparently nobody in a position of power knows anything different. This is why this company is dying.

I LOVE reading the Shire board now; it's so sad to see what the company has turned into from what it once was. Everything from pervert managers creeping during field days, to massaging reps' shoulders to trolling FB pgs for bikini pics to crying about unethical reps in the west. The reality is whoever believes you're being comped at a "competitive salary" there is either living the high life in Denver or is a representative with no more than a year's worth of experience. "We're lucky because we get health insurance. Not to mention 401k." Are you joking me?! News flash; if you have a productive territory (and actually work past noon) your territory's producing millions annually while your compensation is 1/64 of your CEO's STOCK OPTIONS not to mention salary. If that's what Koolaid they're still selling, then nothing has changed. When your "bonus" comes out and it's a whopping $5,000 ($2,800 after taxes) compared to parts of country that work 1/16 of the time and get paid 5x as much, some things never change.

Shire continues to underperform and over promise which is reflected on the stock price, settlements paid out and same old good ol' boy mentality. Believe me when I say, the grass IS greener on the other side and now I truly know what it feels like to be appreciated for what I bring to the table vs. receiving an annual review advance of 1% after making goal year after year. Because I don't whore myself out during ride days or laugh at stupid, monotone hypocrites at the NSM who could give two shits about my life, my family and most importantly my needs. I continued to receive zero "benefits" while others thrived while underperforming the rest.
Bring on the shitty response and give me some great laughs. I hope the Koolaid cup runneth over for you all. I lovED that company and the people I worked with, but the pathetic part is something's truly never change and based on what is written here by you all that couldn't sadly be anymore evident. Now get out and slave for the ivory tower out of touch residents and raise your sad stock price too!

After reading everything about Shire boards I'm seriously rethinking my interview & candidacy. There is some truth to Cafepharma.
I can tell you that the Shire Board is populated by fired folks based on expense account cheating and poor performance. Don't let the junk on this site sway you on joining our team.

I LOVE reading the Shire board now; it's so sad to see what the company has turned into from what it once was. Everything from pervert managers creeping during field days, to massaging reps' shoulders to trolling FB pgs for bikini pics to crying about unethical reps in the west. The reality is whoever believes you're being comped at a "competitive salary" there is either living the high life in Denver or is a representative with no more than a year's worth of experience. "We're lucky because we get health insurance. Not to mention 401k." Are you joking me?! News flash; if you have a productive territory (and actually work past noon) your territory's producing millions annually while your compensation is 1/64 of your CEO's STOCK OPTIONS not to mention salary. If that's what Koolaid they're still selling, then nothing has changed. When your "bonus" comes out and it's a whopping $5,000 ($2,800 after taxes) compared to parts of country that work 1/16 of the time and get paid 5x as much, some things never change.

Shire continues to underperform and over promise which is reflected on the stock price, settlements paid out and same old good ol' boy mentality. Believe me when I say, the grass IS greener on the other side and now I truly know what it feels like to be appreciated for what I bring to the table vs. receiving an annual review advance of 1% after making goal year after year. Because I don't whore myself out during ride days or laugh at stupid, monotone hypocrites at the NSM who could give two shits about my life, my family and most importantly my needs. I continued to receive zero "benefits" while others thrived while underperforming the rest.
Bring on the shitty response and give me some great laughs. I hope the Koolaid cup runneth over for you all. I lovED that company and the people I worked with, but the pathetic part is something's truly never change and based on what is written here by you all that couldn't sadly be anymore evident. Now get out and slave for the ivory tower out of touch residents and raise your sad stock price too!
Y'all sound like one of those east or west coasts' socialist. Get a grip on life!

I can tell you that the Shire Board is populated by fired folks based on expense account cheating and poor performance. Don't let the junk on this site sway you on joining our team.

Love these types of posts. Typical diversion tactic. Accuse anyone that posts of being fired. How do you cheat on an expense account with a corporate credit card? Whoever posted that is some kind of old! This isn't the 80's Pops.

How about the new OBU comp plan? The 90 reps making the company the most amount of money would now be better off selling boxes of Girl Scout cookies.
For those 90 reps. Most of you did not finish with the highest TRX. What do you think the problem is? Reps in the D BUCKET are outperforming you. Maybe you need to reflect on your performance over the last few months instead of whining about poor results. From what I've seen you couldn't sell Girl Scout cookies.

For those 90 reps. Most of you did not finish with the highest TRX. What do you think the problem is? Reps in the D BUCKET are outperforming you. Maybe you need to reflect on your performance over the last few months instead of whining about poor results. From what I've seen you couldn't sell Girl Scout cookies.

And Shire leadership is apparently back on the site.

And Shire leadership is apparently back on the site.
How silly and immature to assume and or accuse anyone not agreeing with you as being management. Same as accusing the complainers as being trolls from competitors or people who were fired. What a sad illife to lead supposing that your viewpoint is the only correct one. Must be devastating when you are not correct. Seems this is a common factor in those who spend exorbitant amounts of time on social media as opposed to doing worthwhile activites.

For those 90 reps. Most of you did not finish with the highest TRX. What do you think the problem is? Reps in the D BUCKET are outperforming you. Maybe you need to reflect on your performance over the last few months instead of whining about poor results. From what I've seen you couldn't sell Girl Scout cookies.

Umm, actually we ARE the reps with the highest TRX. And we ARE the D bucket reps, and R bucket reps, that managed to create larger dry eye markets in our areas, and are now being punished by all being shoved into the Y bucket for Q1. We are now competing against reps that have 4 times the potential opportunity, because we did well last year. This is not an attempt to get into an anonymous online pissing match, but a plea to management to correct the comp plan for Q2 onward. A 3 bucket system simply does not work.