Rimmmiiiieeee is better
Please stick with Rim shot Rimmmiiieee or All net
Please stick with Rim shot Rimmmiiieee or All net
They all will pay their fair share since they all knew what was going on
JB was an excellent partner to have
He made sure they all knew the details
"Your" = Moron
You're a Moron
The gossip and water cooler talk is coming in at a fever pitch. Wow, everyone from the box cutter to the C suite is speaking of upcoming events. What could it be.
Company being purchased? I doubt that, obviously one must take into consideration the extenuating circumstances.
Sarah and Team have come up with wrong doers? This is certainly a possibility
Sarah and Team have closed the investigation, and will report on their findings and fixes? Not Likely
Gluck will finally admit to Paneragate? No chance
Neil will tell the PSC workers to keep their mouth shut? Obviously
Phil sends a letter to Sheryl admitting to Underthetablegate concerning Neil and another unnamed co conspirator? Wouldn't that be funny
Kevin realizes that he actually is a twin of Alfred E. Neuman. This could happen
Murphy flips out on a plane ride back to Newark and starts crying asking for his daddy Sal? Possibility exists
Erica is questioned by attorneys and the doctor stamps fall out of her bag. Holy Shit !
Cormac, I sure hope his family and belongings are ok! wow.. That was a close one.
Steve, Did you hear about the new Ferrari that sold for over $10,000,000? Did you bid?
Phil, catch up with your old buddies in Rhode Island. They would be happy to have their school boy back
Cherry! You sure are proud aren't you? Arrogance at its best!!!
Sal, oh well, I guess your not yelling at anyone, no longer getting your way. Prick.
Gitty, Go ahead, why cover for them. . .
Just getting in from watching Monday night football after my night class
Today I started the class called behavior studies
I need to learn what makes the mind wonder
What is the cause of a person brain activity
The mind of any individual can never be underestimated by anyone
There is always a reason why someone thinks the way he or she does
There is a situation everyday that will make a person react both positive and negative
The second chapter explains the challenge of trying to figure out what the behavior will be
The next class is wednesday and we will start the class with an opinion
That was tonights homework assignment
They all will pay their fair share since they all knew what was going on
JB was an excellent partner to have
He made sure they all knew the details
Jul 7, 2016 at 12:06 AM
You hide behind your comments on this pathetic site. If you believe to have all of the answers, why hide behind an anonymous post? Challenge Phil face to face! I can assure you it's a battle you will regret. If you are so incredibly miserable, then just move on.
The question is Who will print the icd 10 codes. now that Leah is no longer an employee.Who will input now that Toby and Gitty no longer in charge of the billing dept since they got their walking papers also. That is when the explosion will certainly happen. Remember all management is responsible for their reps as well as for themselves. Good Luck to all.May God bless . The Hasadic are smiling . They won the game.
Thank you for the help, I like your creativity, so lets continue the list...
Paul, won, too, tree, dumb fuck
George good guy definitely never did anything Inzlicht
Teddy very proficient Cohen
Roger $1.5 million guarantee McConville
David not worried,100% innocent Needleman
Frank Sal, its ok take my business out of my referral group so you could screw more people May
Andy pay him off, and give him cars and commission, he knows to much Khemeraj
Robin Sals receptacle Cochran
Sal I am so smart and I never had any loose ends and I am not worried at all Prifitera
Time to quit buddyAss Puppet #2 or should we call you ME WORRY Alfred
Last summer the stress of this site gave you many sleepless nights
Why ? You did nothing wrong
How was this summer ?
Captain Morgan ? Irish whiskey ?
Get ready
No, this is the best part.
You bash the director of IT!!! You assholes. Do you think it is hard to crack an IP address and see who is posting all of this bullshit? Didn't think of that one did you!