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What a toxic thread. What is wrong with you people? You all have families. Go kiss them and hug your kids and be thankful for your existence on this planet! We all know how much money was made in lab sales throughout the years. Some made millions.Be thankful for that. Looks what's going on in Houston and what's about to happen in Florida. Wow.

MK , JB , and JR in the navy yard working on a new recipe for success

The ass puppets and a select few bought in and are ready to make business walk to go there

Do you think BG will be a part of that team ?


They do not care how you get business

They would say they knew nothing

The problem for them ignorance is not an answer to the real attorneys !

Bright people will never get involved.

This is a moving HURRICANE that will not stop for a long time.

You see the destruction on TV this week

More to come this weekend in Florida

i see tv all day because i dont work

i was fired years ago and now my life

is one big mess. i live in my grandmas basement

and i surf gaye porn when im not trolling here

Did any of you sheil geniuses see post #6151? Looks like you're former leader Todd is one of the anonymous posters here.very careless of him. smoking gun! love it! This is such a soap opera this thread.

It is called a setup and trust me I know a setup

Some people and you know who you are getting very sloppy with many loose ends

That is the result of pressure and more important REALITY



Jul 23, 2016 at 12:14 PM

The question is Who will print the icd 10 codes. now that Leah is no longer an employee.Who will input now that Toby and Gitty no longer in charge of the billing dept since they got their walking papers also. That is when the explosion will certainly happen. Remember all management is responsible for their reps as well as for themselves. Good Luck to all.May God bless . The Hasadic are smiling . They won the game.

  1. Jun 7, 2016 at 8:17 AM

    The only way a company can succeed is with team work. They also need the necessary tools.
    At Spectra/Shiel the only tool they have is unlimited amount of funds. They can waste funds and at the end of the day it does not matter. I came to the conclusion that Wharton is being creative with his accounting.I assume the shareholders at Fresenius do not care. The plan that had was a failure from the first day. Any normal company by now would have shut it down if there was no buyer. As far as teamwork,there is none. It all about me . What is best for me. Amazing how Spectra allows this mentality to go on.
    Well said!!!! You seem to be a person of integrity and honor. None of which the leaders of this company have. That is why I hope all the people who made decisions are fired. Then Leah can make sure all the doors are locked, lightls are turned off. Then please make sure she has a ride home. She deserves that.


  2. #753Jun 7, 2016 at 8:51 AM

  3. #754Jun 7, 2016 at 9:54 AM

  4. #755Jun 7, 2016 at 11:28 AM

    Let's get this train back on track. Give updates as they come in and let's try and keep the name calling and cursing to a minimum.
    Once a train is derailed, and fly off the track, they are then hoisted onto other trains to take away. Impossible to put back on track. Also, what do you think the updates will be? That the company is being dismantled, sold, closed. Was that clean enough for your ears?


  5. #756Jun 7, 2016 at 1:16 PM

    Once a train is derailed, and fly off the track, they are then hoisted onto other trains to take away. Impossible to put back on track. Also, what do you think the updates will be? That the company is being dismantled, sold, closed. Was that clean enough for your ears?
    Nothing is changing!


  6. #757Jun 7, 2016 at 2:04 PM

    Nothing is changing!
    You are just trying to get people to respond to your bullshit.


  7. #758Jun 7, 2016 at 6:58 PM

    Well said!!!! You seem to be a person of integrity and honor. None of which the leaders of this company have. That is why I hope all the people who made decisions are fired. Then Leah can make sure all the doors are locked, lightls are turned off. Then please make sure she has a ride home. She deserves that.

    Ummmmm.....If you are so miserable at Shiel, why don't you just quit??? You are obviously behind many of the posts here and seem to be on this forum constantly. You're not working so why not just go to Empire, Lenco or Quality and see if your business will follow you...

  1. Steve, lets see if your business follows you to your new lab in the Historic Brooklyn Navy Yard. Oh, Shhh... No one is supposed to know about that.
  2. Shame on you for speaking about small private labs little boy.


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