Severance Package for those just laid off

I got 46 weeks for 18 years of service. Band 400. Not great but I'll take it.

Separation pay is not the same for everyone. It depends on number of years completed plus band level. Higher band= more weeks pay for each year. So for example first 4 years work
you will get b200-10, b300-12, b400-18, b-500-24, b-600-32, b-700-40. After that you get two extra weeks pay for every completed year. Maximum separation pay is 78 weeks. Not bad for those that work entire life at the same place. I don't think separation pay had change yet for 2015. I left with 54 weeks pay 2 years ago.

Separation pay is not the same for everyone. It depends on number of years completed plus band level. Higher band= more weeks pay for each year. So for example first 4 years work
you will get b200-10, b300-12, b400-18, b-500-24, b-600-32, b-700-40. After that you get two extra weeks pay for every completed year. Maximum separation pay is 78 weeks. Not bad for those that work entire life at the same place. I don't think separation pay had change yet for 2015. I left with 54 weeks pay 2 years ago.

How does that make you feel. People think you are so useless they just give you a years pay to go away. That you added so little value it was more cost effective that your fat pumpkin headed ass not be here. I bet you just bounce from job to job now. What do you tell the kids? My bad, it's not like you would spend time with them anyway. Now remember, in OKC we don't have basements. That statement does not hold value in my state. Maybe if you shut that fat bitch mouth you would still be here. If you don't work at Merck why are you posting anyway?

What's great about a flat, hot, humid dust bowl. Yuk. I'll take trees and lush green mountains over Texas any day of the week.

They are pissed cause those of us in California can sell our rat hole 1800 square foot home for 2 million. We then cash out and move to TX, OK or another hoaky state and pay cash for estates, cars and country clubs. It really increases the disparity quickly. Ask Merck reps who bought homes in the late nineties for a mere 4-500k in California what they are selling for? Try 2-4 million. Thanks Facebook, Google, Tesla and many others that have made us uber rich by starting up in our backyard. And you peons whimper about severance and little merits n bonus.

How does that make you feel. People think you are so useless they just give you a years pay to go away. That you added so little value it was more cost effective that your fat pumpkin headed ass not be here. I bet you just bounce from job to job now. What do you tell the kids? My bad, it's not like you would spend time with them anyway. Now remember, in OKC we don't have basements. That statement does not hold value in my state. Maybe if you shut that fat bitch mouth you would still be here. If you don't work at Merck why are you posting anyway?

I have nothing negative to say about Merck or coworkers. I gladly left and enjoy my life. You need to know when is the time to leave without desperation. There is so much more to life. You just need to figure out how to get ahead so you won't be a slave or robot for the rest of your life. Unfortunately intelligence is not something you are familiar with, so your outcome might be different. Oh, and don't worry about other people kids or castles. Just look on your family and try to be proud.

Great post # 47. 25 years at Merck and displaced last June. I have no ill will towards Merck either. Traveled the country, drove business , had a positive impact on many of my reps careers / lives and provided a great living for my family. The company made some poor decisions 10 years ago + ACA and is now trying to play catch up w biotech and or others that invested in the right places.

I read post from other sites and this one and GSK seem to be the most toxic. I think much of the hurt comes from the fact that the company treated folks really well for a long time and have been slowly peeling the bandaid off of a hairy patch of skin for the past 7 years.

Large bureaucracies collapse under their own weight eventually.

Great post # 47. 25 years at Merck and displaced last June. I have no ill will towards Merck either. Traveled the country, drove business , had a positive impact on many of my reps careers / lives and provided a great living for my family. The company made some poor decisions 10 years ago + ACA and is now trying to play catch up w biotech and or others that invested in the right places.

I read post from other sites and this one and GSK seem to be the most toxic. I think much of the hurt comes from the fact that the company treated folks really well for a long time and have been slowly peeling the bandaid off of a hairy patch of skin for the past 7 years.

Large bureaucracies collapse under their own weight eventually.

I call bs. If that is the case shouldn't you be emailing all of those so called "friends" rather then posting on a site about a company you are no longer part of? Good or bad decisions does not matter to you anymore. You and that other poster got some serious issues.

I have nothing negative to say about Merck or coworkers. I gladly left and enjoy my life. You need to know when is the time to leave without desperation. There is so much more to life. You just need to figure out how to get ahead so you won't be a slave or robot for the rest of your life. Unfortunately intelligence is not something you are familiar with, so your outcome might be different. Oh, and don't worry about other people kids or castles. Just look on your family and try to be proud.

I have 4 boys and are very proud of each on of them. I am very fortunate at have such a wonderful wife and children. A day does not go by that I don't realize and appreciate that fact. Raising them a gentlemen and trying to keep them out of trouble. It's the most boring, mundane, greatest, fantastic and wonderful thing any real father could do. It gives you great pride. It's a southern thing.
As far as intelligence, I am slicker than snot on a doorknob. My house is paid off and I do pretty well both spiritually and financially. I would not change a thing and have no regrets. You could say I'm the luckiest man on this beautiful gods green earth. I hope my outcome does not change.

You seem to be the type that wants control and know what's best for everyone. I also think you are very protective and actually caring until you get pissed off. Kind of like a hen to it's chicks. You are not a forgiving type of gal. You very analytical, definitely not a rep. You are a nice person just looking for your kindred soul. I am sure it's out there and you will be successful.

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