Severance Package for those just laid off

Typical ignorant reply!

The truth is 500K is about a starting price ticket for tiny homes in most northern or west coast suburban areas. This is middle class. It has nothing to do with values - its our reality. I am a talking small, plain and simple home; not a toney style home where a CEO might live.

Anything suburban and close to a major city costs plenty especially once you exit the city limits. Lower middle class neighborhoods are not low cost either. Add on a big suburban property tax usually 15, 20, 30K a year and its massive weight you carry on your back.

This is normal in the northern and west coast big cities. There is no where to run unless you completely leave these parts of the country.

I think it's funny that no one writes they give a fuck about the kids. All I see are excuses about why people don't care. In Texas you can get a nice house for around 200k and care about the kids. Actually spend time with them. The wife can stay home and do the most important job in the world. It don't seem that's a important job to many people here. If that is ignorant, we have a different way of life and how success is defined.

I think it's funny that no one writes they give a fuck about the kids. All I see are excuses about why people don't care. In Texas you can get a nice house for around 200k and care about the kids. Actually spend time with them. The wife can stay home and do the most important job in the world. It don't seem that's a important job to many people here. If that is ignorant, we have a different way of life and how success is defined.

So your point is? Does everybody in the country need to move to Texas? Do we will all need to arrive in droves to be considered sensible, caring citizens?

People have kids all over the country. Usually they have a house because they do have kids. A big chunk of the big taxes goes to education budget, for the kids. The point is its tougher to get by in some parts of the country than others.

Consider yourself lucky if you have all that fun, disposable income. You have the ability to take vacations on a whim, fix your house, buy the kid a new bike or get a new computer. There are plenty of us who must pinch pennies every week because its the only way we can meet the costs of living where we fate has put us.

All I can say is you must be a few steps beyond ignorant if you're so shallow.

So your point is? Does everybody in the country need to move to Texas? Do we will all need to arrive in droves to be considered sensible, caring citizens?

People have kids all over the country. Usually they have a house because they do have kids. A big chunk of the big taxes goes to education budget, for the kids. The point is its tougher to get by in some parts of the country than others.

Consider yourself lucky if you have all that fun, disposable income. You have the ability to take vacations on a whim, fix your house, buy the kid a new bike or get a new computer. There are plenty of us who must pinch pennies every week because its the only way we can meet the costs of living where we fate has put us.

All I can say is you must be a few steps beyond ignorant if you're so shallow.
Texas is great. Go there. Just stay away from Georgia and it's surrounding states.

So your point is? Does everybody in the country need to move to Texas? Do we will all need to arrive in droves to be considered sensible, caring citizens?

People have kids all over the country. Usually they have a house because they do have kids. A big chunk of the big taxes goes to education budget, for the kids. The point is its tougher to get by in some parts of the country than others.

Consider yourself lucky if you have all that fun, disposable income. You have the ability to take vacations on a whim, fix your house, buy the kid a new bike or get a new computer. There are plenty of us who must pinch pennies every week because its the only way we can meet the costs of living where we fate has put us.

All I can say is you must be a few steps beyond ignorant if you're so shallow.

Money has nothing to do with raising kids. Maybe the taxes are high because the government has to do the job for you. Most of the people who post are from NJ. I don't know what the taxes are there. Why have a big five bedroom house if you you do is neglect the kids to pay it off. Sounds pretty stupid. Maybe that is why NJ is the hub for special needs kids. That can be why the taxes are high also. Seems to be a cultural thing. Don't believe the whole fate thing.

Money has nothing to do with raising kids. Maybe the taxes are high because the government has to do the job for you. Most of the people who post are from NJ. I don't know what the taxes are there. Why have a big five bedroom house if you you do is neglect the kids to pay it off. Sounds pretty stupid. Maybe that is why NJ is the hub for special needs kids. That can be why the taxes are high also. Seems to be a cultural thing. Don't believe the whole fate thing.

Jersey shore, that mob wife show, that other show on hbo. They should pay you a billion dollars a year to live in the armpit of good ole USA.

Money has nothing to do with raising kids. Maybe the taxes are high because the government has to do the job for you. Most of the people who post are from NJ. I don't know what the taxes are there. Why have a big five bedroom house if you you do is neglect the kids to pay it off. Sounds pretty stupid. Maybe that is why NJ is the hub for special needs kids. That can be why the taxes are high also. Seems to be a cultural thing. Don't believe the whole fate thing.

Who was talking about a big ass home? Most small fix ups are half a million in the NE suburbia. The highway robbers bring up taxes and they're called unionized workers and include teachers making 6 figures!,

Who was talking about a big ass home? Most small fix ups are half a million in the NE suburbia. The highway robbers bring up taxes and they're called unionized workers and include teachers making 6 figures!,

If you don't see how BS like teachers raking in six-figure tax payer dough is worth relocating over, you're blind. I raised my hand, took the money, sold the house and moved west - haven't looked back. The kids got over it once they saw their new house, swimming pool and school that was built in the last 15 years. I had a job before the moving truck pulled up and now I have more time with my family, a better quality of life and enough disposable income to send the family back east for visits pretty much whenever they want. Funny though, after three years they just ask their friends to come out here instead of going back to 'dirty NJ'.

Who was talking about a big ass home? Most small fix ups are half a million in the NE suburbia. The highway robbers bring up taxes and they're called unionized workers and include teachers making 6 figures!,

Don't ever mix NJ and NE. We are so much better that it's beyond compare. I can't think of a single thing they do right. Further south the move the better. They should move to Cuba. I've had the displeasure of working with those idiots. Don't populate the earth. We will all be better off as a society.

Don't ever mix NJ and NE. We are so much better that it's beyond compare. I can't think of a single thing they do right. Further south the move the better. They should move to Cuba. I've had the displeasure of working with those idiots. Don't populate the earth. We will all be better off as a society.

Eres comemierda?

Money has nothing to do with raising kids. Maybe the taxes are high because the government has to do the job for you. Most of the people who post are from NJ. I don't know what the taxes are there. Why have a big five bedroom house if you you do is neglect the kids to pay it off. Sounds pretty stupid. Maybe that is why NJ is the hub for special needs kids. That can be why the taxes are high also. Seems to be a cultural thing. Don't believe the whole fate thing.

The reason why there is such an increase in special needs children is because women work and add stresses that cause harm. The south has different values that you can call old fashion. I live in OKC. Everyone wants a five bedroom, three bath house. The real question becomes what would you be willing to sacrifice to get it. I have heard people have those big houses because husband and wife sleep in different bedrooms in the north. That's pretty crazy.

The reason why there is such an increase in special needs children is because women work and add stresses that cause harm. The south has different values that you can call old fashion. I live in OKC. Everyone wants a five bedroom, three bath house. The real question becomes what would you be willing to sacrifice to get it. I have heard people have those big houses because husband and wife sleep in different bedrooms in the north. That's pretty crazy.

Those kids should blame their parents.

So in the recent layoffs they got 2wks pay for every year with Merck? What are you hearing is going to be the severance in July? Any hand raising?

26 Weeks Base if you worked at least for a year
1 week for additional each year.

For 10 years of service, one would get
26 Weeks Base
+ (10-1)=9 years * 1 week= 9 week

=35 weeks

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