Seriously, am I the only be who thinks...

Some of these posts are pretty funny...but the underlying facts are anything but. People have invested their savings in our company stock. They rely on their savings for retirement, paying for their kid's education, buying a home, taking care of elderly parents, and a million other things.

Somebody who invested $10,000 of their hard-earned money on our stock on January 31, 2015 would now hold stock worth $2,358. That's a loss of over 76%. What do we say to those investors? We are still in denial that any of this is the fault of our management. Shame on them,and shame on those of us who don't speak out.

Some of these posts are pretty funny...but the underlying facts are anything but. People have invested their savings in our company stock. They rely on their savings for retirement, paying for their kid's education, buying a home, taking care of elderly parents, and a million other things.

Somebody who invested $10,000 of their hard-earned money on our stock on January 31, 2015 would now hold stock worth $2,358. That's a loss of over 76%. What do we say to those investors? We are still in denial that any of this is the fault of our management. Shame on them,and shame on those of us who don't speak out.

Let's put that into some more perspective....Let's say back on 12/31/15 you had put that $10,000 into a Dow Jones Index it would be work $16,797 ($14,439 more than investing in Alkermes). Or if you had put it in an S&P 500 Index Fund, today it would be worth $16,250 ($13,892 more than investing in Alkermes). Or if you put it in a Nasdaq Index Fund today it would be worth $18,689 ($16,331 more than investing in Alkermes.

None of these are managed funds that try to beat the market....they are just computer algorithms that track the market and still they are far better investments than the mismanaged mess we call Alkermes. I think its all over but the crying.

Ok team, we are just $1.28 away from our five year low of $17.29. I say if we all pull together we can make it there by Groundhog's Day! Let's see that Alkermes "Can't Do" spirit! Rah, Rah Rich is our man if he can't kill us no one can!

Ok team, we are just $1.28 away from our five year low of $17.29. I say if we all pull together we can make it there by Groundhog's Day! Let's see that Alkermes "Can't Do" spirit! Rah, Rah Rich is our man if he can't kill us no one can!

Remember Rich...its not the name on the back of the jersey that counts...its the name on the front! Maybe you need to take one for Team Alkermes and resign.

Think he will be at the POA with his usual guest appearance? Despite the anger spewed here, I guarantee he will be surrounded by kiss-ass reps telling him how inspiring he is.

Of course Rich will go to the POA, and the usual suspects will tell him how wonderful he is. Its a case of the Emperor's New Cloths...on steroids.

Think about this. We have about 157.5 million shares of stock outstanding. The stock price has dropped about $60.80 per share over the last four years. That means that we have lost for investors between $9.5 and $9.6 billion dollars! How does Pops even keep his job, much less his compensation of over $17 million a year?

The board is so somnolent as to make Rip Van Winkle look like a speed freak.

Those numbers are just too big to digest, but try this on for size. $9.5 billion divided by 4 years, divided by 365 days in a year, divided by 24 hours in a day is $271,118 and hour. That's how much we have lost every hour of every day for our shareholders since the stock's high water mark just over four years ago.

I wonder if Rich will use the private jet when he comes out for the POA? God knows he deserves it.

Pops job - spend money as He sees fit, how dare you question superiors!!! Your job, reps and all involved, -- Make Money for them to be able to Spend. Have Not you learned it yet ? It is Your Fault Alks stock is so Low. Sell more!!!

That $950 million Pops spent to buy Rodin worked out beautifully didn't it! That has really made the stock soar.

Year after year Pops has come to the POA and has always touted our wonderful pipeline. Remember the phrase he used over and over again? He said our pipeline was "the envy of the industry". If that's the case why are we so desperate to buy a company like Rodin with a limited and speculative pipeline?

How can Pops be so consistently wrong (with devastating consequences for our shareholders) and still keep his job?

Of course Rich will go to the POA, and the usual suspects will tell him how wonderful he is. Its a case of the Emperor's New Cloths...on steroids.

Think about this. We have about 157.5 million shares of stock outstanding. The stock price has dropped about $60.80 per share over the last four years. That means that we have lost for investors between $9.5 and $9.6 billion dollars! How does Pops even keep his job, much less his compensation of over $17 million a year?

The board is so somnolent as to make Rip Van Winkle look like a speed freak.

I LOVE this post! I mean, how often do you see the word "somnolent" on Cafe Pharma? And tying it to a literary reference to Washington Irving...just brilliant! It gave me a good laugh.

Despite the erudition of this post I think the author is wrong about the board. If they were just somnolent (sleepy) we could hope that they would wake up, fire Pops and the senior management, and put this place on the road to fiscal viability.

I think the behavior of the board (and most of senior management) is much more sinister than just being asleep. I think they have concluded that pretty soon Alkermes will come to a very bad end, and they have decided to focus on stuffing their collective pockets with as much money as possible. When the gravy train goes off the rails (and it surely will) they will have looted this place for as much money as possible and they will all end up very rich. The worker bees, the shareholders, and the patients will get screwed...but really...who cares?

Have a look at this article. The Wall Street analysts are trying to understand how we are doing so poorly when the rest of the market is doing so well. Keep in mind that this was written at the end of December, when our stock was nearly two dollars a share higher than it is now. Simply pathetic!

I love the headline:
The Alkermes (NASDAQ:ALKS) Share Price Is Down 66% So Some Shareholders Are Wishing They Sold

Only some ?... sadomasochist love this stock :)

Damn it...I want to look on the bright side. Our stock went up about a nickle today. With about 253 trading days in a year, if we could do that every day by the third week of September of 2025 we'd be right back where we were at the end of 2015 on the stock price. That's what I like to think of as a decade of stability. Mind you, when we adjust for inflation we'd still be way behind but I think there is ample reason for optimism.

There you go Rich...I just wrote your POA speech for you. You're welcome.

Wrong on both guesses Spanky! I don't even work here. Just trying to see if I can get someone to believe I do. Thanks for proving how gullible you are. Most people who post stuff here are from other companies. Now get back to drug court and let the judge do your job.

LITERALLY the first thing I said was that you didn’t work for Alkermes. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you’ve had a cocktail or two because you can’t possibly be that dense...

Damn it...I want to look on the bright side. Our stock went up about a nickle today. With about 253 trading days in a year, if we could do that every day by the third week of September of 2025 we'd be right back where we were at the end of 2015 on the stock price. That's what I like to think of as a decade of stability. Mind you, when we adjust for inflation we'd still be way behind but I think there is ample reason for optimism.

There you go Rich...I just wrote your POA speech for you. You're welcome.

Uh oh!!! You better readjust all your calculations. We dropped like a rock again today! The only way to stop this bleeding is to start by eliminating non revenue positions like FRMs & KAMs. The stockholders are beginning to get restless and if pops doesn’t realize this he will be out on his ass soon. Maybe that will be a good thing !

Ok team, we are just $1.28 away from our five year low of $17.29. I say if we all pull together we can make it there by Groundhog's Day! Let's see that Alkermes "Can't Do" spirit! Rah, Rah Rich is our man if he can't kill us no one can!

Yeah team....that's the spirit...nice job! With the stock price at $17.92 now we are only 63 cents away from our five year low of $17.29. You thought it would take us until Groundhog's Day....but at this rate, we might just make it before the market closes at 4:00 pm.

Let's make Rich proud of us and earn an extra glass of that tasty Papa Pops Kool Aid!