September coming fast. Is a re-org on the way?

there probably were like 1000 Diabetes franchise reps on that call. Heard from a diabetes rep that those exact words were mentioned. Don't read too much into it. AZ has invested a lot into the Diabetes franchise and continues to do so. IF you work in that division, you should be safe. It's those of us like me who work elsewhere that have reason to be concerned.

CNS will not be sold..that's a new one. We have the constipation drug to sell and they will probably move many of us into oncology when that expansion takes place. However, hopefully they will not backfill any positions that open between now and then.

Well, it has been a nice ride and made it almost 3 years since a layoff. I could see layoffs when generic Crestor hits in 2016, but there seems to be solid momentum for right now. Any other opinions out there?

Well, it has been a nice ride and made it almost 3 years since a layoff. I could see layoffs when generic Crestor hits in 2016, but there seems to be solid momentum for right now. Any other opinions out there?

BMS reps remember when we were told we had a year before they reevaluated business. That along with BJ's response...left some not feeling good about the short term. Not to mention looming patent expirations and the possibility of Pfizer round two.

diabetes will be gone. The slakers that made the cuts few years ago now it's your turn. Who needs reps for crestor? Crestor is the new Nexium. To be sample by contract reps.

No layoffs for anyone, at least for the very near future. Pascal would have 1 rep per doctor if he could. But, as the pipeline line fails to deliver as it always does, Frenchie will be forced to face reality. Then layoffs will happen. No, we can all enjoy "business as usual", meaning 4 hours or less work days, etc. AZ is a great place to be !